Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 89
Showing: Items 51 - 89
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Statistiek)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Pocket book of statistical tables / 1977
Practical nonparametric statistics / 1971
Practical statistics for medical research 1991
Prescriptions for working statisticians / 1988
Primer of biostatistics / 2002
Primer of biostatistics / 1992
Probability and statistical inference / 2006
Problems and solutions in theoretical statistics / 1978
Quality control and industrial statistics / 1986
Randomization, bootstrap and Monte Carlo methods in biology / 2007
Regression diagnostics : identifying influential data and sources of collinearity / 1980
Some theory of sampling. 1950
Statistical analysis and data display : an intermediate course with examples in S-plus, R, and SAS / 2004
Statistical analysis of reliability and life-testing models : theory and methods / 1978
Statistical computing / 1980
Statistical computing with R / 2008
Statistical design and analysis of experiments : with applications to engineering and science / 1989
Statistical distributions. 1993
Statistical methods / 1980
Statistical methods for comparative studies : techniques for bias reduction / 1980
Statistical methods in research and production, with special reference to the chemical industry. 1957
Statistical theory / 1976
Statistical treatment of experimental data / 1978
Statistics / 1978
Statistics : a guide to the study of the biological and health sciences / 1977
Statistics : a tool for social research / 1996
Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics / 2000
Statistics in ecotoxicology / 2000
Statistics of extremes. 1958
Testing statistical hypotheses / 1959
The American statistician. 1947
The bootstrap and Edgeworth expansion / 1992
The Cambridge dictionary of statistics / 2002
The cartoon guide to statistics / 1993
The generalized jackknife statistic / 1972
The statistical analysis of spatial pattern / 1975
Understanding robust and exploratory data analysis / 1983
Unified methods for censored longitudinal data and causality / 2003
Visualizing data / 1993
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