Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1957 Inventory Municipal and Industrial Waste Facilities (1957). Volume 6. region VI. Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota. 1958
1980 South Dakota Surface Impoundment Assessment: an assessment of the groundwater pollution potential of surface impoundments for fluid wastes 1980
1992 Pesticide and Nitrogen Sampling Program and Five Year Summary 1993
1:100 000-scale metric topographic map of Camp Crook, South Dakota--North Dakota / 1980
1:100 000-scale metric topographic map of Kadoka, South Dakota / 1980
1:100 000-scale metric topographic map of McIntosh, South Dakota--North Dakota / 1981
1:100 000-scale metric topographic map of Redig, South Dakota / 1980
1:100 000-scale metric topographic map of Sisseton, South Dakota--North Dakota / 1980
1:100 000-scale metric topographic map of Wall, South Dakota / 1981
303(e) basin plan for the Big Sioux River basin 1976
303(e) basin plan for the Central Missouri River basin 1976
303(e) basin plan for the Little Missouri River basin 1976
303(e) basin plan for the Niobrara River basin 1976
303(e) basin plan for the Red River of the North river basin 1976
A Listing of Proposed, Planned or Under Construction Energy Projects in Fedearl Region VIII, a Joint Report 1975
A preliminary assessment of water pollution in the Big Sioux River Basin, South Dakota, Iowa, and Minnesota / 1972
A reconnaissance study of manganese potential in South Dakota / 1990
A report on water quality for the State of South Dakota : 1975 national water quality inventory report to Congress-section 305(b) / 1975
A Technical Assistance Program Report: Strategy for Solid Waste Management on Indian Reservations in Region VIII 1982
Aberdeen, South Dakota, 1985 : 1:100 000-scale metric topographic map : 30 x 60 minute series (topographic) / 1990
Abiotic and herbage dynamics studies at Cottonwood, 1971 / 1974
Above ground gamma ray logging of Edgemont, South Dakota and vicinity / 1980
Accomplishment Plan, Northern Great Plains Resource Program 1973
Accomplishment Plan. Region VIII. Cheyenne River Basin Area. 1972
Accomplishment Plan. Region VIII. Cheyenne River Basin. 1972
Accomplishment Plan. Region VIII. Comprehensive Energy-Environment Program. 1975
Accomplishment Plan. Region VIII. Comprehensive Energy-Environment Program. Appendix. 1975
Adequacy of the Water Floridation Control Program in South Dakota: an Evaluation of Water Floridation at Selected Water Supply Systems in the State of South Dakota 1973
Adequacy of the Water Flouridation Control Program in South Dakota. An Evaluation of Water Fluoridation at Selected Water Supply Systems in the State of South Dakota. 1973
Adequacy of the Water Fluoridation Control Program in South Dakota : an Evaluation of Water Fluoridation at Selected Water Supply Systems in the State of South Dakota / 1973
Ainsworth, Nebraska--South Dakota, 1985 : 1:100 000-scale metric topographic map : 30 x 60 minute series (topographic) / 1988
Air pollution regulations in state implementation plans : South Dakota / 1978
Air quality trends in Region VIII : 1979 data. 1980
Air quality trends in Region VIII : 1980 data. 1981
Ambient air quality monitoring network : EPA Region VIII energy areas / 1977
Ambient water quality criteria recommendations : information supporting the development of state and tribal nutrient criteria for rivers and streams in nutrient ecoregion IV : Great Plains grass and shrublands including all or parts of North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Texas and the authorized Tribes within the ecoregion / 2001
Ambient water quality criteria recommendations : information supporting the development of state and tribal nutrient criteria for rivers and streams in nutrient ecoregion IV-great plains grass and shrublands including all or parts of: North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Texas, and the authorized Tribes within the Ecoregion. 2001
Ambient water quality criteria recommendations : information supporting the development of state and tribal nutrient criteria for rivers and streams in nutrient ecoregion V : south central cultivated Great Plains including all or parts of the states of: Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and New Mexico, and the authorized tribes within the ecoregion / 2001
American Indian Reservations and Indian Trust Areas 1995
An application of ERTS technology to the evaluation of coal strip mining : and reclamation in the northern Great Plains. 1975
An Economic Evaluation of Flood Control Alternatives in the Vermillion River Basin, South Dakota (review draft) 1998
An Evaluation of the Delegated Construction Grants Program in EPA Region 8 1980
Analysis of 1975 State 305(b) Reports 1975
Analysis of 1975 State 305(B) Reports. 1975
Analysis of Aquifer Tests Conducted at the Proposed Burdock Uranium Mine Site Burdock, South Dakota 1980
Analysis of Non-Point Source Pollution in the Rocky Mountain-Prairie Region. Preliminary Draft. Part I. 1974
Angostura Reservoir, Fall River County, South Dakota. 1977
Annual Report(FY 1969) Webster Test Facility and Electrodialysis Test-Bed Plant Webster, South Dakota 1970
Anomalous concentrations of several metals in iron-formation of the Blue Lead Mountain area, Pennington County, South Dakota 1975
Appraisal of Air Pollution in South Dakota. 1962
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