Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 12
Showing: Items 1 - 12
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Sound Transmission)

Select Item Title Year Published
Comparison of highway noise prediction models / 1977
Effective Perceived Noise Level Versus Distance Curves for Civil Aircraft. 1976
Experimental Determination of Acoustic and Structural Behavior of Wall Panel-Cavity Configurations Exposed to Sonic Booms. 1970
Field sound insulation evaluation for two auxiliary walls / 1975
Interagency Symposium on University Research in Transportation Noise (2nd) Held at North Carolina State University, Raleigh on June 5-7, 1974. Book of Proceedings, Volume II. 1974
Lab-field correlations for airborne sound transmission through party walls / 1975
Location of Leaks in Pressurized Petroleum Pipelines by Means of Passive-Acoustic Sensing Methods. 1992
Noise Criteria for Buildings: A Critical Review. 1978
Propagation of Urban Construction Site Noise Along Street Corridors. 1979
Sea surface statistics deduced from underwater sound measurements, 1964
Sound levels from oil and gas exploration activities : Flathead National Forest, Glacier National Park, Helena National Forest / 1985
Technical Report on Sound Levels in Bryce Canyon National Park and the Noise Impact of the Proposed Alton Coal Mine. 1980

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