Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Sodium)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Sodium fluoride 1983
Sodium Fluxing and In-situ Glassification for Hazardous Materials Disposal. 1982
Sodium Hexafluoroaluminate (Natriumaluminiumfluorid) (Cas No. 13775-53-6) 90 Day Repeat Dose Inhalation Study in Rats (Snout Only Exposure). 2004
Sodium hydroxide : preliminary source assessment / 1988
Sodium hydroxide : Reregistration Eligibility Document (RED). 1992
Sodium hydroxide. 1984
Sodium hypochlorite environmental and technical information for problem spills / 1985
Sodium monofluoroacetate (1080) hazards to fish, wildlife, and invertebrates : a synoptic review / 1995
Sodium monofluoroacetate (compound 1080) : position document no. 2/3. 1983
Sodium phosphinate made from phosphorus sludge 1982
Sodium requirements for public water supplies / 1992
Sodium requirements for public water supplies / 1992
Sodium sulphate / 1985
Sodium thiosulfate 1973
Sodium, chlorides, and conductivity in drinking-water report on a WHO working group, the Hague, 1-5 May 1978. 1979
Soil development and nitrates in minesoil / 1979
Solid Oxygen Source for Bioremediation in Subsurface Soils (Revised). 1994
Solubility of Helium and Argon in Liquid Sodium. 1971
Source assessment : defoliation of cotton, state of the art / 1977
Source assessment, chemical and fertilizer mineral industry : state of the art / 1978
Speciation of Mercury in the Presence of Coal and Waste Combustion Fly Ashes. 2000
Standard test fish development : part I, fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) and goldfish (Carassius auratus) as standard fish in bioassays and their reaction to potential reference toxicants / 1976
State of the art for the inorganic chemicals industry : inorganic pesticides / 1975
State-of-the-art, military explosives and propellants production industry. Volume III. Wastewater treatment / 1976
Statement of Basis and Purpose for the National Interim Primary Drinking Water Regulations. 1975
Status of Monsanto's Phosphate Fiber (Calcium Sodium Metaphosphate) Toxicology Testing Program and EPA Response Letters. 1986
Status report on the development of draft MCLGs for disinfectants and by-products. 1992
Stone & Webster/Ionics SO2 removal and recovery process : phase I, final report / 1975
STORS: Battelle-Northwest's Sludge to Oil Reactor System. 1986
Stream Pollution in the 'New Lead Belt' of S. E. Missouri. 1970
Studies on lake restoration by phosphorus inactivation / 1976
Studies on Modifications of Solid Industrial Wastes. 1973
Study of Chemically Active Fluid Bed Gasifier for Reduction of Sulphur Oxide Emissions. 1971
Study of Sludge Digestion With Sodium Chloride and Sulfate. 1970
Subchronic Effects of Sodium Selenite and Selenomethionine on Several Immune-Functions in Mallards. 1990
Sulfur Dioxide Control Process Study. Sodium Scrubbing with Lime Regeneration. 1972
Sulfur dioxide oxidation in scrubber systems / 1980
Sulfur oxides control technology series : flue gas desulfurization : dual alkali process / 1980
Sulfur Recovery from Flue Gas Via Reversible Dry Absorbent. 1969
Sulfur retention in coal ash / 1978
Sulfuric Acid Plant Emissions During Start-Up, Shutdown, and Malfunction. 1976
Sulphur Dioxide Reference Materials. 1975
Summary of early warning studies of specific chemicals during FY 75 and FY 76 / 1976
Summary report : the extent of shortages for chlorine and other water sanitation chemicals / 1974
Summary review of health effects associated with sodium hydroxide. 1988
Superfund explanation of significant difference for the record of decision : Martin Marietta Superfund site, the Dalles, OR. 1995
Superfund explanation of significant difference for the record of decision : Western Processing Co., Inc., Kent, WA. 1996
Superfund record of decision : Avtex Fibers, VA : second remedial action. 1990
Superfund record of decision : BMI-Textron site, Lake Park, FL. 1994
Superfund record of decision : Florida Steel Corporation, Indiantown, FL. 1995
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