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Select Item Title Year Published
Dual Alkali Acceptance Test at Louisville Gas and Electric Company; Volume I. Acceptance Test and Appendices A-C. 1981
Dual Alkali Acceptance Test at Louisville Gas and Electric Company; Volume II. Appendices D-F. 1981
Dual Alkali Acceptance Test at Louisville Gas and Electric Company; Volume III. Appendices G-J. 1981
Dual Alkali Test and Evaluation Program. Volume II. Laboratory and Pilot Plant Programs. 1977
Dual Alkali Test and Evaluation Program. Volume III. Prototype Test Program--Plant Scholz. 1977
Dynamics of arsenic in the aquatic environment / 1968
Economic assessment of potential hazardous waste control guidelines for the inorganic chemical industry / 1976
Economic impact analysis for the proposed mercury cell chlor-alkali production NESHAP. 2000
Economic impact analysis of effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the inorganic chemicals industry--Phase II / 1984
Economic impact analysis of pollution control technologies for segments of the inorganic chemicals manufacturing industry / 1982
Effect of a Base-Catalyzed Dechlorination Process on the Genotoxicity of PCB-Contaminated Soil. 1992
Effect of chemical composition on surface resistivity of fly ash / 1975
Effect of mechanical cooling devices on ambient salt concentration / 1976
Effect of Pentachlorophenol on the Growth and Mortality of Embryonic and Juvenile Steelhead Trout. 1984
Effect of Perinatal Monosodium Glutamate Administration on Visual Evoked Potentials of Juvenile and Adult Rats. 1989
Effect of Prior Exposure on Sodium Uptake in Tadpoles Exposed to Low pH Water. 1986
Effect of Short-Term Exposure to Three Chemicals on the Blood Chemistry of the Pinfish 'Lagodon rhomboides'. 1993
Effect of Simulated Sulfuric Acid Rain on the Chemistry of a Sulfate-Adsorbing Forest Soil. 1985
Effect of Sodium Chloride on Transport of Bacteria in a Saturated Aquifer Material. 1991
Effect of Sodium Pentobarbital on Behavioral Thermoregulation in Rats and Mice. 1986
Effect of Surfactant Micelles on Metal Ion Removal by Flotation from Metallurgical Wastewater. 1971
Effectiveness of Organophosphorus Complexons in Intratracheal Poisoning with Beryllium Chloride (Effektivnost Fosforoganicheskikh Kompleksonov pri Intratrakhealnom Otravlenii Khloristym Berilliem). 1974
Effectiveness of selected fuel additives in controlling pollution emissions from residual-oil-fired boilers / 1973
Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine on Autonomic Thermoreregulatory Responses of the Rat. 1991
Effects of chlorine and sulfite reduction on Lake Michigan invertebrates / 1976
Effects of Continuous Chlorination on Entrained Estuarine Plankton. 1980
Effects of DOWICIDE (Trade Name) G-ST on Development of Experimental Estuarine Macrobenthic Communities. 1978
Effects of Increasing Salinity on the Pyramid Lake Fishery. 1972
Effects of Intratracheally Administered Coarse Mode Particles on Respiratory Tract Infection in Mice. 1983
Effects of irrigation methods on groundwater pollution by nitrates and other solutes / 1976
Effects of Murine Cytomegalovirus on Development: Lack of Interactions of Virus and Sodium Salicylate. 1990
Effects of pH Increases and Sodium Chloride Additions on the Acute Toxicity of 2,4-Dichlorophenol to the Fathead Minnow. 1980
Effects of Sodium Pentachlorophenate on Several Estuarine Animals: Toxicity, Uptake, and Depuration. 1978
Effects of Sodium Pentachlorophenate on Survival and Energy Metabolism of Embryonic and Larval Steelhead Trout. 1978
Effects of Sulfuric Acid Rain on Major Cation and Sulfate Concentrations of Water Percolating Through Two Model Hardwood Forests. 1982
Effects of tributyltin on biomembranes : alteration of flow cytometric parameters and inhibition of Na(+)K(+)-ATPase two-dimensional crystallization / 1988
Effluent Monitoring Procedures: Metals Analyses. Student Reference Manual. 1977
Electrostatic capture of fine particles in fiber beds / 1976
Elements in Major Raw Agricultural Crops in the United States. 2. Other Elements in Lettuce, Peanuts, Potatoes, Soybeans, Sweet Corn, and Wheat (Journal Version). 1983
Elements in Major Raw Agricultural Crops in the United States. 3. Cadmium, Lead, and Eleven Other Elements in Carrots, Field Corn, Onions, Rice, Spinach, and Tomatoes (Journal Version). 1985
Elevated Levels of Sodium in Community Drinking Water. 1980
Emission Test Program: Sodium Carbonate Manufacturing Plant, Final Report 1980
Energy consumption : the chemical industry / 1975
Environmental Considerations of Selected Energy Conserving Manufacturing Process Options: Volume XII. Chlor-Alkali Industry Report. 1976
Environmental effects of oil shale mining and processing : part II, the aquatic marcroinvertebrates of the Piceance basin, Colorado, prior to oil shale processing / 1978
Environmental Impact of Highway Deicing. 1971
Environmental monitoring near industrial sites : chromium / 1977
Environmental Safety of Citrate 1977
Environmental Safety of detergent sodium silicate 1977
EPA Alkali Scrubbing Test Facility: Sodium Carbonate and Limestone Test Results. 1973
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