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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Salmo gairdneri)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Absorption Dynamics of Organic Chemical Transport across Trout Gills as Related to Octanol-Water Partition Coefficient. 1985
Acquisition and culture of research fish : rainbow trout, fathead minnows, channel catfish, and bluegills / 1975
Acute and Chronic Toxicity Studies with Monochlorobenzene in Rainbow Trout. 1982
Acute Toxicity of Ammonia to Rainbow Trout. 1983
Acute Toxicity of Kelthane, Dursban, Disulfoton, Pydrin, and Permethrin to Fathead Minnows 'Pimephales promelas' and Rainbow Trout 'Salmo gairdneri'. 1982
Acute Toxicity of Nitrite to Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdneri): Effects of pH, Nitrite Species, and Anion Species. 1981
Acute Toxicity of Tetrachloroethylene and Tetrachloroethylene with Dimethylformamide to Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdneri). 1982
Acute Toxicity of Thiocyanate to Trout. 1985
Acutely Lethal Levels of Cadmium, Copper, and Zinc to Adult Male Coho Salmon and Steelhead. 1978
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for hexachlorobenzene : draft. 1988
Ammonia Toxicity to Fishes. Effect of pH on the Toxicity of the Un-ionized Ammonia Species. 1981
An automated monitoring system for fish physiology and toxicology / 1989
Avoidance of Copper and Nickel by Rainbow Trout as Monitored by a Computer-Based Data Acquisition System. 1982
Avoidance Responses of Salmon and Trout to Air-Supersaturated Water. 1980
Bromacil and Diuron Herbicides: Toxicity, Uptake, and Elimination in Freshwater Fish. 1987
Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Hepatotoxic Response in Rainbow Trout, Salmo gairdneri, as Influenced by Two Commercial Fish Diets. 1980
Carcinogenicity of Benzo(a)pyrene in Rainbow Trout Resulting from Embryo Microinjection. 1988
Chronic Toxicity of Ammonia of Rainbow Trout. 1984
Comparative Toxicity of Polyelectrolytes to Selected Aquatic Animals. 1976
Dose Determinations for Waterborne 2,5,2',5'-(14C)Tetrachlorobiphenyl and Related Pharmacokinetics in Two Species of Trout 'Salmo gairdneri and Salvelinus fontinalis': A Mass-Balance Approach. 1983
Effect of Carbon Tetrachloride Treatment on Urine Flow Rate of the Rainbow Trout, 'Salmo gairdneri'. 1980
Effect of Fluctuating Exposures on the Acute Toxicity of Ammonia to Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdneri) and Cutthroat Trout (S. clarki). 1981
Effect of Pentachlorophenol on the Growth and Mortality of Embryonic and Juvenile Steelhead Trout. 1984
Effects of Air-Supersaturated Water on Survival of Pacific Salmon and Steelhead Smolts. 1976
Effects of Constant Temperatures and Diel Temperature Fluctuations on Specific Growth and Mortality Rates and Yield of Juvenile Rainbow Trout, 'Salmo gairdneri'. 1977
Effects of Differently Extracted Endotoxins from Escherichia coli on Rainbow Trout (Salmo Gairdneri). 1973
Effects of exposure to heavy metals on selected freshwater fish : toxicity of copper, cadmium, chromium and lead to eggs and fry of seven fish species / 1976
Effects of Hydrostatic Pressure on Steelhead Survival in Air-Supersaturated Water. 1980
Effects of Low pH on Reproduction of Rainbow Trout. 1986
Effects of pH on the Toxicities of Cadmium, Copper, and Zinc to Steelhead Trout ('Salmo gairdneri') (Journal Version). 1986
Effects of Temperature, Ration, and Size on the Growth of Juvenile Steelhead Trout, Salmo Gairdneri. 1973
Environmental effects of oil shale mining and processing : part I, fishes of Piceance Creek, Colorado, prior to oil shale processing. / 1978
Fish Acute Toxicity Syndromes: Application to the Development of Mechanism-Specific QSARS (Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships). 1988
Fish distribution in Trout Creek, Colorado, 1975-1976 / 1980
Fish toxicity screening data / 1989
Growth and Survival of Developing Steelhead Trout ('Salmo gairdneri') continuously or Intermittently Exposed to Copper. 1984
Hepatocarcinogenicity of Benzo(a)Pyrene to Rainbow Trout By Dietary Exposure and Intraperitoneal Injection. 1985
Histological Progression of Hepatic Neoplasia in Rainbow Trout ('Salmo gairdneri'). 1984
Impact of surface water acidification on commercially and recreationally important salmonid fishes : effects on reproductive success and recruitment / 1984
Increased Toxicity of Ammonia to Rainbow Trout 'Salmo gairdneri' Resulting from Reduced Concentrations of Dissolved Oxygen. 1981
Influence of Thermal Challenge on Conditioned Feeding Forays of Juvenile Rainbow Trout. 1980
Investigation of Spinal Deformity of Trout (Salmo sp.) in the Brule River, Wisconsin. 1983
Mortality, saltwater adaptation and reproduction of fish during gas supersaturation / 1976
Pathology of Sea Lamprey Inflicted Wounds on Rainbow Trout. 1986
Periodic Depuration of Anthracene Metabolites by Rainbow Trout. 1984
Pharmacokinetics of toxic elements in rainbow trout / 1974
Physiological Response of Rainbow Trout ('Salmo gairdneri') to Acute Fenvalerate Intoxication. 1987
Pollution effects on adult steelhead migration in the Snake River / 1974
Reliable, Efficient, Microinjection Apparatus and Methodology for the In vivo Exposure of Rainbow Trout and Salmon Embryos to Chemical Carcinogens. 1985
Response of Rainbow Trout 'Salmo gairdneri' to 'Aeromonas hydrophila After Sublethal Exposures to PCB and Copper. 1982
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