Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 42
Showing: Items 1 - 42
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Qualitative analysis)

Select Item Title Year Published
Analysis of Phenol Formaldehyde Condensation Polymers by Gel Permeation Chromatography. 1970
Analytical quality assurance for trace organics analysis by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry / 1975
Application of the 'Master Analytical Scheme' to Influent and Effluent Wastewaters. 1988
Asthma Health Outcomes Project. Preliminary Field Report, April 2006. 2006
Benefit analysis for the Section 112 Utility Rule / by Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards ; Air Quality Strategies and Standards Division ; Innovative Strategies and Economics Group. 2004
Characterization of Reference Artemia III for Marine Toxicological Studies. 1993
Communicating radon risk effectively : a mid-course evaluation / 1987
Comprehensive Method for the Analysis of Volatile Organics on Soils, Sediments and Sludges. Part 1. State-of-the-Art Review of Analytical Operations. 1994
Consumer labeling initiative, phase II report / 1999
Contaminant Levels in Animal Feeds Used for Toxicity Studies. 1981
Determination of Polychlorinated Biphenyls Using Multiple Regression with Outlier Detection and Elimination. 1987
Development of sample preparation methods for analysis of marine organisms / 1974
Direct/delayed response project : field operations and quality assurance report for soil sampling and preparation in the Northeastern United States. Volume II, Preparation / 1987
Direct/Delayed Response Project: Field Operations and Quality Assurance Report for Soil Sampling and Preparation in the Southern Blue Ridge Province of the United States. Volume 2. Preparation. 1988
Ensuring Risk Reduction in Communities with Multiple Stressors: Environmental Justice and Cumulative Risk/Impacts. 2004
Environmental Applications of Thermospray LCMS: Qualitative Analysis of Sulfonated Azo Dyes. 1987
Evaluation of the Landscape Functions of Wetlands in Illinois, with Recommendations. 1995
Gradient Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry Using Microbore Columns and a Moving Belt Interface. 1984
Laboratory evaluation of six new/modified portable x-ray fluorscence spectrometers for the measurement of lead in characterized paint films and research material boards / 1999
Laboratory evaluation of six new/modified portable x-ray fluorscence spectrometers for the measurement of lead in characterized paint films and research material boards : volume II - appendices / 1999
Manual of analytical quality control for pesticides and related compounds in human and environmental samples : a compendium of systematic procedures designed to assist in the prevention and control of analytical problems / 1976
Matrix-isolation infrared and low-resolution mass spectra of the 209 polychlorobiphenyl congeners. 1996
Method 1622 : cryptosporidium in water by filtration/IMS/FA. 1998
Method 1622 : cryptosporidium in water by filtration/IMS/FA. 1997
Methods for the Determination of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) in Soils and Sediments. 2002
Misting of Low Vapor Pressure Halocarbons. 1995
Multiparameter Oil Pollution Source Identification System. 1973
Office of Water Performance Evaluation Study Project : Final Report. 1994
On the Transformation of Picric Acid into Picramic Acid, and the Detection of Grape Sugar (Ueber die Umwandlung der Pikrinsaeure in Pikraminsaeure und Ueber die Nachweisung des Traubenzuckers). 1965
Pilot Field Study for the Assessment of Techniques Used for Field Measurement of Lead in Paint. Volume 1. Technical Report. 1997
Pilot Field Study for the Assessment of Techniques Used for Field Measurement of Lead in Paint. Volume 2. Appendices. 1997
Regulatory impact analysis for the final Clean Air Interstate Rule. 2005
Relationships Between Questionnaire Responses and Children's Pesticide Exposure Measurements. 2005
Report on the shrimp virus peer review and risk assessment workshop : developing a qualitative ecological risk assessment. 1999
Sampling and analysis procedures for screening of industrial effluents for priority pollutants. 1977
Simulation of electron impact mass spectra by charge exchange in chemical ionization mass spectrometry / 1984
Some Changes in Gut Bacterial Flora of Field-Grown 'Peridroma saucia' (Lipidoptera: Noctuidae) When Brought into the Laboratory. 1988
Study of Air Pollutants by Microwave Spectroscopy. 1972
Suspended solids monitor / 1975
Technical manual for analysis of organic materials in procress streams / 1976
The analysis of trihalomethanes in drinking water by liquid/liquid extraction : method 501.2. 1979
Workshop Report: Identification of Performance Parameters for Test Kit Measurement of Lead in Paint. Held in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina on January 12-13, 1993. 1993

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