Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 209
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Select Item Title Year Published
A citizen's guide to clean water / prepared by the Izaak Walton League of America. 1973
A scientist's guide to talking with the media : practical advice from the Union of Concerned Scientists / 2006
A survey to measure the impacts of public outreach strategies on compliance with environmental regulations / 1993
Air Pollution Control Field Operations Manual. A Guide for Inspection and Enforcement. 1962
Air pollution control through proper coal utilization. 1962
Alaska Federal/State Preparedness Plan for Response to Oil and Hazardous Substance Discharges/Releases (Unified Plan - Volume 1). 1993
America's Sea at Risk: First Progress Report on the Gulf of Mexico Program. 1990
America's wetlands : our vital link between land and water. 1988
An overview of activities directed toward long-term maintenance of air quality standards / 1974
An SAB report : review of draft final exposure assessment guidelines : review of the Office of Health and Environmental Assessment and the Risk Assessment Forum's draft final guidelines for exposure assessment (dated May 8, 1991) by the Indoor Air Quality and Total Human Exposure Committee. 1992
Annual report for 1994 / 1995
Area Contingency Plan for Oil Discharges and Hazardous Substance Releases for Inland Zone of New Jersey. 1993
Area Contingency Plan for Oil Discharges and Hazardous Substance Releases for Inland Zone of New York State. 1993
Area Contingency Plan for Oil Discharges and Hazardous Substance Releases for Inland Zone of the Caribbean. 1993
ATSDR health consultations under CERCLA. 1991
Bay Barometer Series, April 1987-March 1989. 1989
Baywide communication plan : an agreement commitment report from the Chesapeake Executive Council. 1988
Best practices in customer service 1999
Blueprint for your library marketing plan : a guide to help you survive and thrive / 2006
Building support for increasing user fees. 1989
CDC responds : risk communication and bioterrorism / 2001
Checking up on superfund sites : the five-year review. 2002
Citizen Support for Solid Waste Management. 1967
Citizen volunteers in environmental monitoring : Summary proceedings of the 2d National Workshop. 1989
Collection of Papers Presented at the Fish Kill Investigation Seminar on 2-4 Nov 71. 1972
Communicating the value of water : an introductory guide for water utilities / 2008
Communicating water's value : talking points, tips, and strategies / 2014
Communicating water's value, part 2 : stormwater, wasterwater & watersheds / 2016
Community advisory groups (CAGs) at Superfund sites. 1996
Community relations activities at Superfund enforcement sites. 1985
Community relations activities at Superfund enforcement sites. 1985
Community relations guidance for evaluating citizen concerns at Superfund sites. 1983
Community relations plan for the Hanford federal facility agreement and consent order 1989
Community-based Environmental Protection : OSWER Action Plan. 1995
Companies' organization and public communication on environmental issues. 1991
Corps and the shore 1996
Crash Course in Environmental Action. 1971
Criteria for the Establishment and Maintenance of Two Year Post High School Wastewater Technology Training Programs. Volume I. Program Criteria. 1970
Developing your leader program / 2003
Draft Guidelines for Areawide Waste Management Planning. Section 208, Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972. 1974
Draft Guidelines for State and Areawide Water Quality Management Program Development. 1976
Economic Effects of Pawtuckaway State Park: V. Effect of Park Use on Environmental Quality. 1972
Economic Evaluation of a Water-Based Urban Tourist Attraction in San Antonio, Texas. 1973
Economic Evaluation of Connecticut Water Law: Water Rights, Public Water Supply and Pollution Control. 1970
Economic Potential of Colleton, Dorchester, and Hampton Counties, South Carolina with Particular Reference to Light Manufacturing Volume II. 1968
Economic welfare impacts of urban noise / 1976
Educating the public about the health and welfare risks associated with ground-level ozone / 1989
Effective blogging for libraries / 2010
Effective climate change communication for water utilities / 2014
Effective public relations / 2000
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