Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 339
Showing: Items 301 - 339
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Proteins)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Stress Proteins in Aquatic Organisms: An Environmental Perspective. 1993
Stress proteins in biology and medicine / 1990
Stress Proteins: Potential as Multitiered Biomarkers (Chapter 9). 1990
Stress-inducible cellular responses 1996
Structure and function of proteins at the three-dimensional level. 1972
Structure and mechanism in protein science : a guide to enzyme catalysis and protein folding / 1999
Structures of life : discovering the molecular shapes that determine health or disease / 1991
Study of the cause of sudden death following the injection of horse serum 1906
Subchronic 90 Day Toxicity of Dichloroacetic and Trichloroacetic Acid in Rats. 1990
Substitute chemical program, the first year of progress : proceedings of a symposium / 1975
Subunits in biological systems, part A 1971
SUMO Regulation of Cellular Processes [electronic resource] / 2009
Surface Water Pollution Control Studies: Adsorption of Complex Organic Molecules by Suspended Clay. 1973
Symposium on Foods: Proteins and Their Reactions; the third in a series of symposia on foods held at Oregon State University. [Papers] 1964
Techniques in protein chemistry, 1967
Tetrachorobiphenyl Metabolism, Toxicity, and Regulation of Cytochrome P45O Expression in a Marine Teleost Fish. 1995
The cytoskeleton : cellular architecture and choreography / 1984
The expanding role of mass spectrometry in biotechnology / 2003
The living state and cancer / 1978
The origins of modern biochemistry : a retrospect on proteins / 1979
The paracellular channel : biology, physiology, and disease / 2019
The phylogenetic handbook : a practical approach to DNA and protein phylogeny / 2003
The protein protocols handbook / 1996
The proteins: composition, structure, and function. 1963
Transport and Retention of Virus-Sized Particles in Porous Media. 1965
Transport of Conjugates of Toxicants by Blood Proteins. 1985
Two-dimensional electrophoresis : operation of the ISO-DALT system / 1991
Two-dimensional electrophoresis, and immunological techniques 1987
Use of Quantitative Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis to Analyze Changes in Alveolar Macrophage Proteins in Humans Exposed to Ozone. 1989
Using the DNA Alkaline Unwinding Assay to Detect DNA Damage in Laboratory and Environmentally Exposed Cells and Tissues. 1990
Utilization of free and combined amino acids by activated sludge 1965
Vacuum-Acid Hydrolysis of Fungal Protein and of Other Protein Sources. 1971
Variations in the natural abundance of 13C in proteins and amino acids. 1971
Vertebrate toxicology of the solubilized proteins of Bacillus thuingiensis subsp. 'israelensis' {microform} / 1992
Virally infected cells 1989
Waste citrus activated sludge as a poultry feed ingredient / 1975
Water quality renovation of animal waste lagoons utilizing aquatic plants / 1978
What are the Effects of UV-B Radiation on Marine Organisms. 1988
Worthington enzyme manual enzymes related biochemicals / 1988
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