Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 201 - 250
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Proteins)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Nucleic acids / 1967
Nucleic acids and protein synthesis 1971
Nucleic acids. 1971
Nucleic acids. Part I / 1980
Nutrition, Exercise and Epigenetics: Ageing Interventions [electronic resource] / 2015
Oncodevelopmental biology and medicine / 1983
Organized multienzyme systems catalytic properties / 1985
Oxidation of Nitrapyrin to 6-Chloropicolinic Acid by the Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacterium 'Nitrosomonas europaea'. 1992
Ozone and vascular tissue differentiation in plants / 1976
Ozone and vascular tissue differentiation in plants / 1976
Persistence of the Heat-Shock Response Over Time in a Common 'Mytilus' Mussel. 1992
Pesticide fact sheet : Bacillus thuringiensis, subspecies tolworthi cry9C protein. 2000
Phosphodiesterases as Drug Targets [electronic resource] / 2011
Physical, chemical and microbiological methods of solid waste testing / 1973
Physiological and biochemical effects of air pollutants on soybean plants / 1979
PlantOmics: The Omics of Plant Science [electronic resource] / 2015
Plasma Binding of 1-Butanol, Phenol, Nitrobenzene and Pentachlorophenol in the Rainbow Trout and Rat: A Comparative Study. 1988
Plasma proteins : clinical utility and interpretation / 0
Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins and Dibenzofurans: Correlation between In vivo Structure-Activity Relationships (SARs). 1986
Pore-forming peptides and protein toxins 2003
Posttranslational modifications of proteins : tools for functional proteomics / 2002
Poultry excreta dehydration and utilization: system development and demonstration. 1977
Practical protein chemistry : a handbook / 1986
Precursor processing in the biosynthesis of proteins / 1980
Prenatal Dexamethasone Administration Disrupts the Pattern of Cellular Development in Rat Lung. 1989
Principles and reactions of protein extraction, purification, and characterization / 2005
Proceedings eighth National Symposium on Food Processing Wastes : March 30 - April 1, 1977, Seattle, Washington / 1977
Proceedings ninth National Symposium on Food Processing Wastes : March 29-31, 1978, Denver, Colorado / 1978
Production of Low Molecular Weight Cadmium-Binding Proteins in Rabbit Lung Following Exposure to Cadmium Chloride. 1982
Progress in nonhistone protein research 1985
Protective Mechanisms and Acclimation to Solar Ultraviolet-B Radiation in 'Oenothera stricta'. 1983
Protein adduct forming chemicals for exposure monitoring : chemicals selected for further study / 1989
Protein adducts for exposure monitoring : a computerized database: software and user's manual / 1991
Protein Adducts for Exposure Monitoring: A Computerized Database (CPAD) (Version 1) (for Microcomputers). 1991
Protein content of the atmosphere 1958
Protein hormones of the pituitary body 1943
Protein III, a Neuron-Specific Phosphoprotein: Variant Forms Found in Human Brain. 1984
Protein methods 1991
Protein nanotechnology : protocols, instrumentation, and applications / 2005
Protein production from acid whey via fermentation / 1974
Protein purification : priciples and practice / 1994
Protein purification : principles, high resolution methods, and applications / 1989
Protein purification process engineering 1994
Protein purification protocols. 2004
Protein recovery from beef packing effluent : Project summary / 1981
Protein recovery from beef packing effluent: (final report) / 1981
Protein sequencing and identification using tandem mass spectrometry / 2000
Protein structure and function 2004
Protein Synthesis in Germinating Seeds. 1971
Protein synthesis in reproductive tissue. Karolinska Symposia on Research Methods in Reproductive Endocrinology. {...} Transactions of the sixth symposium held in Geneva on May 21-23, 1973. 1973
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