Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1769
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Select Item Title Year Published
10,10'-oxybisphenoxarsine (OBPA) : reregistration document (RED). 1993
1994 and 1995 toxic release inventory : data quality report. 1998
1996 toxic release inventory : data quality report. 1998
2017-2021 North American Round-Robin Correlation Test Project for off-highway recreational vehicles / 2022
2017-2021 North American Round-Robin Correlation Test Project for off-highway recreational vehicles / 2022
301(h) Final Rule: Work Group Closure Addendum. 1993
40 CFR Part 35 Subpart O, Cooperative Agreements and Superfund State Contracts for Superfund Response Actions. 1989
A comparison of procedures to determine adsorption capacity of volatile organic compounds on activated carbon / 1985
A guide for surface coating calculations / 1986
A Guide to developing and documenting cost estimates during the feasibility study / 2000
A guide to the consolidated permit regulations. 1980
A meditation to promote successful surgery / 1992
A method for determining the compatibility of hazardous wastes / 1980
A method for the sampling and analysis of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in ambient air / 1978
A method for the sampling and analysis of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in ambient air / 1978
A one step method for the determination of carbamate pesticides by derivatization with [alpha]-bromo-2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorotoluene / 1979
A plain English guide to the EPA part 503 biosolids rule / 1994
A preliminary examination of the repeatability of the heavy-duty transient dynamometer emission test / 1978
A Primer on the Office of Water Enforcement and Compliance and its programs / 1993
A procedure for establishing traceability of gas mixtures to certain National Bureau of Standards standard reference materials / 1981
A program for the environmental assessment of conventional combustion processes / 1978
A rapid method for estimating log P for organic chemicals / 1978
A Report on Implementation of EPA's Agricultural Lands Protection Policy; 1978-1979: The First Year. 1979
A short-term method for assessing the reproductive toxicity of endocrine-disrupting chemicals using the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) / 2002
A standard procedure for cost analysis of pollution control operations / 1979
A study of exhaust emissions from 1975-1979 model year passenger cars in Los Angeles / 1979
A study of improving compliance of mobile home parks : final report, June 30, 1989 / 1989
A study of pneumatic solid waste collection systems as employed in hospitals. 1974
A Summary : administrator's point/nonpoint source trading initiative meeting, April 27-28, 1992, Durham, North Carolina / 1992
A summary of oil shale activities at the National Bureau of Standards, 1975-1979 / 1980
A summary of the interlaboratory source performance surveys for EPA Reference Methods 6 and 7, 1977 / 1979
A Tribal guide to the Section 319(h) nonpoint source grant program. 1994
Abstracts of selected precious metal mines' permits / 1991
Accelerated decay of non-fuel evaporative emissions : task no. 1 / 1976
Acid rain program : CEMS submission instructions for monitoring plans, certification test notifications, and quarterly reports. 1996
Acute toxicity testing criteria for chemical substances / 1979
Adaptive Sampling in Environmental Studies. 1996
Addendum to Guidelines and Requirements for Applying for Grants from the Indian Set-Aside Program. 1995
Additional Information for Completing Storm Water Group Applications. 1991
Adequacy of Sampling Trains and Analytical Procedures Used for Fluoride. 1976
Administrative order on consent for remedial investigations/feasibility study. 1990
Administrative reforms for lead risk assessment. 1996
Agreed Upon Procedures on EPA's Fiscal Year 2008 First Quarter Financial Statements. Quick Reaction Report. 2008
Agreed-Upon Procedures on EPA's (Environmental Protection Agency's) Fiscal Year 2008 Second Quarter Financial Statements. Quick Reaction Report. 2008
Agriculture Street Landfill Superfund Site, New Orleans, Louisiana Final Close Out Report. 2002
Air Monitoring for Hazardous Materials (165.4). Student Manual. 1997
Air Quality Modeling Study to Analyze the Impact of Various SO2 Control Strategies on Ambient Air Quality in the San Francisco Bay Area. 1977
Allotment of Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Monies. 1997
Amended section 301(h) technical support document. 1994
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Site Inspection of the Ultraviolet Treatment and Chlorine Disinfection Facility Project, City of Bremerton, Washington. Site Inspection Report. 2010
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