Abstract |
This Final Close Out Report documents that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) completed all response actions for the Agriculture Street Landfill site in accordance with Close Out Procedures for National Priorities List Sites (OSWER Directive 9320.2-09A-P). The Agriculture Street Landfill (ASL) Superfund site is a former municipal landfill comprised of approximately 95 acres of land, of which 48 acres are undeveloped and 47 acres have been developed for residential use. The site is located within the eastern city limits of New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Louisiana, approximately 3 miles south of Lake Pontchartrain and 3 miles north-northeast of the city's central business district. Operations at ASL began in approximately 1909 and continued until the landfill was closed in the late 1950s. The landfill was reopened for approximately one year in 1965 for use as an open burning and disposal area for debris left in the wake of Hurricane Betsy. Records indicate that during its operation the landfill received municipal waste, ash from the city's incineration of municipal waste, and debris and ash from open burning. Early investigations yielded no evidence that industrial or chemical wastes were transported to or disposed of at the site. |