Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1997 update to ORD's strategic plan / 1997
A description and critique of soil and water conservation programs in Washington County, Wisconsin / 1982
A regulatory strategy for siting and operating waste transfer stations : a response to a recurring environmental justice circumstance : the siting of waste transfer stations in low-income communities and communities of color / 2000
Accelerated response at NPL sites guidance (superfund management review: recommendation no. 22). 1989
Accessing the $50 million set-aside in the remedial action budget for quick response at national priorities list sites. 1992
Addendum to Guidelines and Requirements for Applying for Grants from the Indian Set-Aside Program. 1995
Additional guidance on "worst sites" and "NPL caliber sites" to assist in SACM implementation / 1993
AEROS manual series, volume III : summary and retrieval, update number 1. 1977
Agriculture Street Landfill Superfund Site, New Orleans, Louisiana Final Close Out Report. 2002
Air, Climate, and Energy. Strategic Research Action Plan 2012-2016. 2012
Amendment to historical definitions of NPL deletion start and completion dates. 1992
An Analysis of state Superfund programs : 50-state study, 1990 update. 1990
An overview of the outyear liability model (OLM) / 1993
An SAB report : review of environmental goals for America. 1997
Analysis of State Superfund Programs 50-State Study, 2001 Update. 2002
Analysis of state Superfund programs : 50-state study, 1995 update. 1996
Analysis of State Superfund Programs: 50-State Study, 1998 Update. 1998
Approaches to Identify Exceedances of Water Quality Thresholds Associated with Ocean Conditions. 2010
ARCS contracts users' manual. 1989
Areawide Waste Treatment and Water Quality Management Planning. Erosion Control Priorities and Progress Reporting: Jackson County. 1980
Assessment of energy resource development impact on water quality : the Belle Fourche and Little Missouri River Basins / 1979
Atmospheric Organic Nitrogen Deposition: EPA Chesapeake Bay Program Workshop Meeting. Held in College Park, Maryland on May 20-21, 1998. 2002
Authorization for regional administrators to approve consistency exemptions at NPL sites. 1992
Awards for Construction Grants for Wastewater Treatment Works. Cumulative Listing. 1977
Awards for Construction Grants for Wastewater Treatment Works. Cumulative Listing. 1977
Background information : national priorities list, final rule / 1994
CERCLIS Archive Sites (EPA List 8T Report) (for Microcomputers). 1996
CERCLIS Site/Event Listing (EPA List 8E Report) (for Microcomputers). 1995
CERCLIS Site/Event Listing (EPA List 8E Report) (for Microcomputers). 1997
CERCLIS Site/Event Listing (EPA List 8E Report) (on Diskette). 1997
Charlotte Harbor National Esturary Program: Federal Consistency Report. 1999
Cities and the Nation's Disposal Crisis. 1973
Clarifying the definition of "site" under the national priorities list. 1996
Cleaning up the nation's waste sites : markets and technology trends : 1996 edition : executive summary. 1997
Cleaning up the nation's waste sites : markets and technology trends. 1997
Climate and Land-Use Change Effects on Ecological Resources in Three Watersheds: A Synthesis Report. 2012
Close out procedures for National Priorities List sites / 1995
Close out procedures for National Priorities List sites. 2000
Closing the NPL book under the original HRS : quick reference fact sheet. 1990
Coming Together for Clean Water. EPA's Strategy to Protect America's Waters. 2011
Community guide to EPA's partnership programs. 2009
Community relations in Superfund : a handbook. 1992
Comparing Risks and Setting Environmental Priorities: Overview of Three Regional Projects. 1989
Compendium of NPL Listing Policies and Procedures, 1982 to 1985. 1991
Continued Geophysical Logging Near the GMH Electronics National Priorities List Superfund Site Near Roxboro, North Carolina. 2016
Cooperative Agreement for the Evaluation of Current Environmental Research and Establishment of Priorities. 1980
Coordinating with the states on national priorities list decisions : issue resolution process. 1997
Criteria for Determining Economic Priorities in Awarding Sewage Facility Construction Grants. 1971
d-SSYS: A Computer Model for the Evaluation of Competing Alternatives (for Microcomputers). 1989
Decision Making for Regulating Chemicals in the Environment. 1975
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