Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 365
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Pollution Economic aspects)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A change of PACE : comparing the 1994 and 1999 pollution abatement costs and expenditures surveys / 2004
A model for regional air pollution cost / benefit analysis / 1971
A model for regional air pollution cost/benefit analysis / 1971
A Primer for financial analysis of pollution prevention projects / 1993
A standard procedure for cost analysis of pollution control operations / 1979
A statistical method for assessment of urban stormwater : loads, impacts, controls / 1979
A study of the social and economic impact of odors : phase II / 1971
Abstracts of pollution prevention case study sources 1993
Abstracts of pollution prevention case study sources / 1994
Air and water pollution regulation : accomplishments and economic consequences / 1993
Air pollution abatement and regional economic development; an input-output analysis 1974
Air pollution control : a welfare economic interpretation / 1975
Air pollution control in the primary aluminum industry / 1973
Air pollution damage functions and regional damage estimates 1977
Air pollution damage to man-made materials : physical and economic estimates 1983
Air pollution economics : 1978 (citations from the NTIS data base). 1980
Air pollution offsets : trading, selling, and banking / 1980
Air pollution/land use planning project / 1973
Allocation of monitoring costs to ocean dumpers : Pretreatment inducement programs / 1986
An analysis of state Superfund programs : 50-state study, 2001 update. 2002
An evaluation of marketable effluent permit systems / 1974
An introduction to options for reducing methane emissions from coal mines. 1993
Analysis of New Source Review (NSR) permitting experience : executive summary. 1982
Analysis of pollution control costs / 1974
Analysis of the economic impact of water pollution control costs on the textile industry : final report / 1973
Analyzing superfund : economics, science, and law / 1995
Annual McGraw-Hill survey of pollution control expenditures. 0
Assessment of economic impact of air pollutants on vegetation in the United States: 1969 and 1971; final report, 1973
At a Glance : EPA Needs to Improve Internal Controls to Increase Cost Recovery. 2009
At a Glance : Making Better Use of Stringfellow Superfund Special Accounts. 2008
At a Glance : Making Better Use of Superfund Special Accounts in Region 8. 2008
Beyond compliance : a new industry view of the environment / 1992
Beyond the limits : confronting global collapse, envisioning a sustainable future / 1992
Bibliography of water pollution control benefits and costs / 1974
Clean air environment for California; project clean air. A progress report to the Regents of the University of California. 1970
Clean water and the American econnomy [sic] : proceedings, October 19-21, 1992. 1993
Clean water and the American econnomy {sic} : proceedings, ground water, October 19-21, 1992. 1993
Clean water and the cane sugar industry. 1977
Clearing the air : the health and economic damages of air pollution in China / 2007
Climate capitalism : global warming and the transformation of the global economy / 2010
Climate change : designing a practical tax system. 1992
Coke oven economic study / 1989
Coming clean for economic development : a resource book on environmental cleanup and economic development / 1995
Comprehensive economic cost study of air pollution control costs for selected industries and selected regions : final report : prepared for the National Air Pollution Control Administration, United States Public Health Service, Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare / 1970
Comprehensive study of specified air pollution sources to assess the economic effects of air quality standards / 1970
Comprehensive study of specified air pollution sources to assess the economic effects of air quality standards / 1970
Concept paper : emission reduction banking and trading systems / by ICF, Inc. ; prepared for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1980
Controlled trading : how to reduce the cost of air pollution control. 1981
Controversial issues in environmental policy : science vs. economics vs. politics / 1992
Cool it : the skeptical environmentalist's guide to global warming / 2007
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