Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Pollution Economic aspects)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Cool it : the skeptical environmentalist's guide to global warming / 2008
Cost analysis for nonpoint source control strategies in the Chesapeake Basin 1995
Cost analysis of two air quality attainment strategies / 1976
Cost and emission reduction of the MACT floor level of control : memorandum. 2010
Cost estimates of upgrading particulate matter controls on copper smelter reverberatory furnaces / 1977
Cost of air pollution damage; a status report 1973
Cost of hydrocarbon emissions control to the U.S. chemical industry (sic 28) 1977
Cost reduction and self-help handbook / 1986
Cost-effectiveness of a uniform national sulfur emissions tax / 1974
Costs and effects of chronic exposure to low-level pollutants in the environment : hearings before the Subcommittee on the Environment and the Atmosphere of the Committee on Science and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives, Ninety-fourth Congress, first session ... 1975
Costs associated with development and implementation of comprehensive nutrient management plans. Pt. 1, Nutrient management, land treatment, manure and wastewater handling and storage, and recordkeeping. 2003
Costs of air pollution control : analyses of emission control options for ozone abatement strategies / 2005
Costs of coal pollution abatement : results of an international symposium / 1983
Costs of water pollution control: national symposium, April 6 and 7, 1972. 1972
Current industrial reports Pollution abatement costs and expenditures. 1973
Current industrial reports Pollution abatement costs and expenditures. 1989
Current industrial reports. {electronic resource} Pollution abatement costs and expenditures 1989
Current issues in U.S. environmental policy 1978
Damage cost models for pollution effects on material / 1984
Data and modeling for environmental credit trading : a conservation effects assessment bibliography / 2004
Demonstration of a regional air pollution cost-benefit model / 1971
Demonstration of a regional air pollution cost/benefit model / 1971
Design of cost-effective water quality surveillance systems / 1974
Development of a state effluent charge system / 1972
Development of a State effluent charge system. 1972
Draft framework for watershed-based trading / 1996
EAB control cost manual. 1987
Economic analysis of air pollution regulations : asphalt roofing and processing: final rule. 2003
Economic analysis of interim final effluent guidelines for selected segments of the explosives industry : group II. 1976
Economic analysis of proposed effluent guidelines : feed lots industry / 1973
Economic analysis of proposed effluent guidelines and standards for the construction and development category. 2002
Economic and energy analyses of regional water pollution control / 1978
Economic and legal enforcement mechanisms : proceedings of a workshop held in Windsor, Ontario, February 21-22, 1977 / 1977
Economic assessment of the health benefits from improvements in air quality in the south coast air basin 1989
Economic costs of air pollution; studies in measurement 1967
Economic effects of pollution controls on the nonferrous metals industry : copper / 1971
Economic effects of pollution controls on the nonferrous metals industry : lead / 1971
Economic effects of pollution controls on the nonferrous metals industry: aluminum 1971
Economic effects of pollution controls on the nonferrous metals industry: zinc 1971
Economic impact analysis for the printing and publishing NESHAP : draft. 1995
Economic impact analysis of alternative pollution control technology for the wood preserving subcategories of the timber products industry : draft / 1978
Economic impact analysis of constraints on particulate control equipment replacements, R79-3 / 1979
Economic impact analysis of proposed effluent limitations guidelines, new source performance standards and pretreatment standards for the textile mills point source category / 1979
Economic impact of air emissions regulations : waste solvent recycling : final report. 1988
Economic impact of air pollutants on plants in the United States, 1971
Economic impact of air pollution controls on the secondary nonferrous metals industry. 1969
Economic impact of anticipated paper industry pollution, abatement costs : report to the Council on Environmental Quality / Arthur D. Little, Inc. 1972
Economic impact of anticipated pollution abatement costs on the primary copper industry : report to Environmental Protection Agency. 1972
Economic impact of anticipated pollution abatement costs on the primary zinc industry : report to Environmental Protection Agency; {by} Arthur D. Little, Inc.. 1972
Economic impact of changing the carbon monoxide emission limitations for steel mills, R78-1 1979
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