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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Phosphorus Environmental aspects)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A Balanced Diet for Lake Erie : Reducing Phosphorus Loadings and Harmful Algal Blooms / 2014
A computer model of diffuse sources of sediment and phosphorus moving into a lake / 1974
A more comprehensive approach is needed to clean up the Great Lakes : report to the Congress / 1982
A phosphorus diet for the lower lakes : executive summary of the U.S. Task Force plans for phosphorus load reductions to Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, and Saginaw Bay. 1986
Agriculture and phosphorus management : the Chesapeake Bay / 2000
An intensive survey of the Illinois River (Arkansas and Oklahoma) in August 1985 / 1987
An updated summary of status and trends in indicators of nutrient enrichment in the Gulf of Mexico / 1992
Assessment of annual total phosphorus tributary loading estimates : application to the Saginaw River / 1986
Bioavailability of phosphorus inputs to lakes : significance to management / 1981
Biological availability of total phosphorus / 1979
Chemical technology and economics in environmental perspective : Task I - analysis of the sources of phosphorus in the environment / 1978
Chemical technology and economics in environmental perspective : Task I. analysis of the sources of phosphorus in the environment / 1979
Chemical technology and economics in environmental perspective. final report. Task 1, Analysis of the sources of phosphorus in the environment : 1979
Chesapeake Bay nutrient input study / 1972
Contribution of phosphorus from agricultural land to streams by surface runoff / 1978
Control of eutrophication, 1970
Current practices in phosphorus analysis and removal 1972
Effects of yellow phosphorus in the Canadian environment 1981
Emission testing of calciner off-gases at FMC elemental phosphorus plant, Pocatello, Idaho : emission test final report / 1984
Environmental phosphorus handbook. 1973
Exchange of nitrogen and phosphorus with sediment of the brackish water marshes of Lavaca Bay, Texas : thesis / 1975
Factors affecting phosphorus transport at a conventionally-farmed site in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 1992-95 1996
Fate and effects of nitrogen and phosphorous in shallow vegetated aquatic ecosystems / 2006
General information on phosphorus removal / 1972
Geochemical and hydrologic controls on phosphorus transport in a sewage-contaminated sand and gravel aquifer near Ashumet Pond, Cape Cod, Massachusetts 1996
Impact of algal-available phosphorus on Lake Erie water quality : mathematical modeling / 1984
Limiting phosphorus in cleaning and water conditioning agents : a survey by A.L. Kimmel / 1973
Model operating permit to control PM10 emissions from elemental phosphorus plants : draft final report. 1992
Modeling phosphorus dynamics in Shagawa Lake / 1978
National inventory of sources and emissions of phosphorus (1978) / 1983
Nitrogen and phosphorus in wastewater effluents, working paper no. 22, a prelim. analysis of Nat. Eutrophication Survey data collected during the 1972-73 sampling period. 1974
Nutrient cycling in the Great Lakes : a summarization of factors regulating the cycling of phosphorus / 1980
Observation on the rate of phosphorus input into Lake George and its relationship to the Lake's trophic state. 1974
Phosphorus and E. coli in the Fanno and Bronson Creek subbasins of the Tualatin River basin, Oregon, during summer low-flow conditions, 1996 2000
Phosphorus and high-flow assessment for regional treatment standards : summary of project reports, conclusions and recommendations. 1985
Phosphorus and hypolimnial dissolved oxygen in Lake Erie 1971
Phosphorus as related to Great Lakes eutrophication. 1979
Phosphorus control in lake watersheds : a technical guide to evaluating news development / 1989
Phosphorus emissions from the incineration of chemical sludge 1976
Phosphorus in a ground-water contaminant plume discharging to Ashumet Pond, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 1999 2003
Phosphorus in freshwater ecosystems proceedings of a symposium held in Uppsala, Sweden, 25-28 Sept. 1985 / 1988
Phosphorus in sewage sludge and animal waste slurries proceedings of the EEC seminar / 1981
Phosphorus in the environment, its chemistry and biochemistry. 1978
Phosphorus in the global environment : transfers, cycles, and management / 1995
Phosphorus interactions in the aquatic environment : a survey of the literature / 1978
Phosphorus loading effects upon phytoplankton standing crop of the 18-mile creek embayment of Hartwell Reservoir, South Carolina / 1984
Phosphorus loss from soil to water 1997
Phosphorus management for the Great Lakes : final report of the Phosphorus Management Strategies Task Force, to the International Joint Commission's Great Lakes Water Quality Board and Great Lakes Science Advisory Board. 1980
Phosphorus management strategies for lakes : proceedings of the 1979 conference sponsored by the New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, a statutory college of the State University at Cornell University, [and] the International Joint Commission (U.S. and Canada) / 1980
Phosphorus removal / 1972
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