Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A handbook on scrap futures markets and futures trading / 1980
A study of Federal subsidies to stimulate resource recovery / 1974
Acid Hydrolysis of Cellulose in Refuse to Sugar and Its Fermentation to Alcohol. 1973
Air Classification of Solid Wastes. Performance of Experimental Units and Potential Applications for Solid Waste Reclamation. 1972
An analysis of scrap futures markets for stimulating resource recovery / 1978
Analysis of Federal Programs Affecting Solid Waste Generation and Recycling. 1972
Applicability of Organic Solids to the Development of New Techniques for Removing Oxides of Sulfur from Flue Gases. 1969
Applicability of Organic Solids to the Development of New Techniques for Removing Oxides of Sulfur from Flue Gases. 1970
Availability of uncoated printing and writing papers containing 30 percent postconsumer fiber / 1998
Background Documentation for Minimum Content Standards. 1987
Can Federal Procurement Practices be Used to Reduce Solid Waste. 1974
Chemical Conversion of Wood and Cellulosic Wastes. 1974
Cite it right : the SourceAid LLC guide to citation, research, and avoiding plagiarism / 2006
Collection of data pertinent to the EPA's development of guidelines for government procurements of paper products containing recycled materials. 1979
Degradation of Waste Paper to Protein. Research in Microbial Fermentations. 1971
Design for the environment GSA field office cleaning systems survey : presented at the ... annual EPA conference on statistics. 0
Design for the environment GSA field office cleaning systems survey : presented at the ... national meeting of the American Chemical Society for a symposium sponsored by the Division of Environmental Chemistry on design for the environment: environmental paradigm for the 21st century. 0
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the builders paper and roofing felt segment of the builders paper and board mills point source category / 1974
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the building, construction and paper segment of the asbestos manufacturing point source category / 1974
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines new source performance standards and pretreatment standards for the pulp, paper, and paperboard and the builder's paper and board mills point source categories. 1982
Development document for proposed effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the builders paper and roofing felt segment of the builders paper and board mills point source category. 1974
Distribution System Inventory, Integrity and Water Quality. 2007
Drinking water bulletin. 0
Economic Analysis of Effluent Guidelines for the Asbestos Industry. 1974
Economic impact of implementing RACT guidelines in the nonattainment areas for ozone in the state of South Carolina. 1979
Economic impact of implementing RACT guidelines in the state of Georgia. 1979
Economic impact of implementing RACT guidelines in the state of Illinois / 1979
Economic Impact of Implementing RACT Guidelines in the State of Michigan. 1979
Economic impact of implementing RACT guidelines in the state of Tennessee. 1979
Economic impacts of pulp and paper industry compliance with environmental regulations. 1977
Energy Conservation and Recycling in the Paper Industry. 1983
Evaluation of a Compartmentalized Refuse Collection Vehicle for Separate Newspaper Collection. 1976
Evaluation, extraction, and recycling of certain solid waste components / 1972
Evaluations of Emissions and Control Technologies in the Graphic Arts Industries. 1970
Handbook of organic analytical reagents / 1992
Hazardous Waste Report, 1989. Instructions and Forms. 1989
High-Pressure Compaction and Baling of Solid Waste. 1972
Infrared Spectral Sensor for Refuse Sorting. 1974
Mills Considering New Deinking Line Must Answer Environmental Questions: Physical and Chemical Properties of Various Wastepaper Grades Have to Be Analyzed Before Mills Can Permit and Handle Process Wastes. 1990
National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants proposed standards for hazardous air pollutants from chemical recovery combustion sources at kraft, soda, sulfite, and stand-alone semichemical pulp mills. 1997
Overview of Potential Markets for Municipal Compost: A Preliminary Study. 1972
Papermill wastewater treatment by microstraining / 1976
Performance and economic feasibility of a sludge/wastepaper gasifier system {microfiche} 1984
Phenanthroline and substituted phenanthroline indicators, their preparation, properties, and applications to analysis 1944
Preliminary Feasibility of Resource Recovery for City of Rome and Floyd County, Georgia. 1979
Proceedings of the Solid Waste Resources Conference on Design of Consumer Containers for Re-use or Disposal, May 12 and 13, 1971. 1972
Pulp, paper, and paperboard industry : background information for proposed air emission standards : manufacturing processes at Kraft, Sulfite, Soda, and Semi-Chemical Mills. 1993
Pulp, paper, and paperboard industry--background information for proposed air emissions standards : manufacturing processes at kraft, sulfite, soda, and semi-chemical mills / 1993
QA Review of Papers and Reports: How This Differs from Peer Review. 1998
Raw Materials Transportation Costs and Their Influence on the Use of Wastepaper and Scrap Iron and Steel. Volume I. Technical Discussion. 1974
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