Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 151 - 200
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Oil spills Environmental aspects)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Progress report on wildlife affected by the Santa Barbara Channel oil spill, January 28-March 31, 1969. 1969
Record of decision for the Exxon Valdez oil spill restoration plan 1994
Recovery of Strait of Juan de Fuca Intertidal Habitat following experimental contamination with oil : second annual report, fall 1979-winter 1980 / 1980
Report on environmental consequences of the conflict between Iraq and Kuwait. 1991
Reporting guidelines for LPST cleanups in Texas. 1993
Research to investigate effects from Prudhoe Bay crude oil on intertidal infauna of the Strait of Juan de Fuca : first annual report / 1979
Responding to oil spills in the U.S. arctic marine environment / 2014
Response of crude oil slicks to dispersant treatment at sea : 1978 tests / 1980
Response of crude oil slicks to dispersant treatment at sea : 1979 tests / 1984
Response of crude oil slicks to dispersant treatment at sea : 1979 tests / 1980
Response of crude oil slicks to dispersant treatment at sea. 1984
Response of crude oil slicks to dispersant treatment at sea. 1984
Response to oil spills on Puget sound. 1986
Restoration following the Exxon Valdez oil spill : proceedings of the public symposium held in Anchorage, Alaska, March 26-27, 1990 / 1990
Restoration of beaches contaminated by oil / 1972
Restoration of habitats impacted by oil spills / 1984
Restoration planning following the Exxon Valdez oil spill : August 1990 progress report / 1990
Results of the Alaska workshop on oil spill ecological damage assessment draft / 1977
Review of oil effects on marine plants 1990
Review of the proposal for the Gulf long-term follow-up study : highlights from the September 2010 workshop : workshop report / 2010
Revision of MMS offshore continental shelf oil-weathering model : evaluation / 1998
SCAA Blue book. 1980
Scientific aspects of the oil spill problem 1971
Scientific studies to be conducted in response to an oil spill in the Beaufort Sea / 1977
Screening level assessment of risks due to dioxin emissions from burning oil from the BP Deepwater Horizon Gulf of Mexico Spill / 2010
Section 319 nonpoint source program success story District of Columbia : oil and grease water quality goals achieved in DC area streams / {electronic resource} : 2005
Sensitivity of coastal environments to spilled oil, Southern California 1999
Shallow subtidal survey of the Washington outer coast and Olympic National Park to determine the distribution, fate, and effects of spilled bunker C fuel oil final report / 1990
Shoreline countermeasures manual : tropical coastal environments. 1993
Silent spill : the organization of an industrial crisis / 2002
Sound truth and corporate myth$ : the legacy of the Exxon Valdez oil spill / 2005
South Florida oil spill sensitivity atlas 1981
SPCC guidance for regional inspectors. 2005
Spills of diluted bitumen from pipelines : a comparative study of environmental fate, effects, and response / 2016
Spills of emulsified fuels : risks and response / 2002
Standard handbook oil spill environmental forensics : fingerprinting and source identification / 2016
State/Federal Natural Resource Damage Assessment plan for the Exxon Valdez oil spill : public review draft. 1989
Summary of the Final environmental impact statement for the Exxon Valdez oil spill restoration plan / 1994
Surface treatment agents for protection of shorelines from oil spills / 1984
Surface treatment agents for protection of shorelines from oil spills / 1984
Survey of chemical contaminants in fish, invertebrates and plants collected in the vicnity of Tyonek, Seldovia, Port Graham and Nanwalek, Cook Inlet, Alaska 2003
Tagungsbericht 9202 proceedings of the CONCAWE/DGMK scientific seminar "Remediation of Oil Spills" on May 18-21, 1992 in Hamburg, Germany / 1992
Temperature effects of crude oil in the upper intertidal zone / 1976
The barge Ocean 250 gasoline spill / 1981
The BP oil spill : human exposure and environmental fate : hearing before the Subcommittee on Energy and Environment of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, second session, June 10, 2010. 2013
The effects of low levels of oil on aquatic birds : a non-technical summary of research activities, FY76 through FY78 / 1980
The Exxon Valdez oil spill : a report to the President / 1989
The Fate and effects of crude oil spilled on subarctic permafrost terrain in interior Alaska / 1980
The fate and persistence of stranded crude oil : a nine-year overview from the BIOS Project, Baffin Island, NWT, Canada / 1992
The proceedings of the Conference on Assessment of Ecological Impacts of Oil Spills : 14-17 June 1978, Keystone, Colorado. 1978
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