Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 101 - 150
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Oil spills Environmental aspects)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Long-term effects of the barge Florida oil spill / 1981
Manual of practice for protection and cleanup of shorelines / 1979
Manual on in-situ burning of oil spills at sea / 1995
Media, culture, and the environment 1997
Methods of chemical analysis for oil shale wastes / 1984
Methods used by Environment Canada in the testing of oil spill dispersants 1977
Microbiology of terrestrial crude oil degradation 1972
Monitored natural attenuation of tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA) in ground water at gasoline spill sites / 2007
Monitored natural attenuation of tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA) in ground water at gasoline spill sites. [electronic resource] 2007
Monitoring of Olympic National Park beaches to determine fate and effects of spilled bunker C fuel oil : final report / 1990
National preparedness for response excerise program (PREP) guidelines. 1994
Not one drop : betrayal and courage in the wake of the Exxon Valdez oil spill / 2008
Oil and dispersant toxicity testing : proceedings of a Workshop on Technical Specifications held in New Orleans, January 17-19, 1989 / 1989
Oil and gas use characterization, impacts, and guidelines / 1976
Oil dispersants new ecological approaches / 1989
Oil in the sea : inputs, fates, and effects / 1985
Oil on the Schuylkill : a case study. 1971
Oil pollution control technology : training manual. 1971
Oil spill chemical dispersants : research, experience, and recommendations : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee F-20 on Hazardous Substances and Oil Spill Response, West Palm Beach, Florida, 12-13 Oct. 1982 / 1984
Oil spill contingency planning : national status : a report to the President / 1990
Oil spill disaster contingency plan / 1972
Oil spill dispersants : efficacy and effects / 2005
Oil spill dispersants mechanisms of action and laboratory tests / 1993
Oil spill environmental forensics : fingerprinting and source identification / 2007
Oil spill monitoring handbook / 2016
Oil spill response guide 1989
Oil spill response in the marine environment 1992
Oil spill response planning for biologically sensitive areas in the northern Puget Sound region 1978
Oil spill response scenarios for remote arctic environments / 1982
Oil Spill Workshop : results of the Region I Workshop on Oil Spill Ecological Damage Assessment / 1978
Oil Spill Workshop : results of the Region I Workshop on Oil Spill Ecological Damage Assessment / 1978
Oil spill! / 1994
Oil spill, Bahia Sucia, Puerto Rico, 18 March 1973 : environmental effects. 1975
Oil spills 1997
Oil spills : a coastal resident's handbook. 1980
Oil spills and living organisms / 1992
Oil spills and the marine environment / 1974
Oil spills in the Arctic Ocean : extent of spreading and possibility of large-scale thermal effects / 1974
Oiled bird rehabilitation : a guide for establishing and operating a treatment facility for oiled birds. 1990
Oilspill contingency plan : hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, Ninety-fifth Congress, first session, February 2 and 3, 1977. 1977
On scene coordinator report : Deepwater Horizon oil spill. 2011
On scene coordinator's report : major oil spill, Casco Bay, Maine, 22 July, 1972. 1972
Petroleum effects in the Arctic environment 1985
Petroleum hydrocarbons in near-surface seawater of Prince William Sound, Alaska, following the Exxon Valdez oil spill / 1995
Petroleum in the marine environment / 1975
Physical processes affecting the movement and spreading of oils in inland waters / 1995
Prince William Sound Regional Citizens' Advisory Council : 2005-2006 in review. 2006
Proceedings : 1991 International Oil Spill Conference (prevention, behavior, control, cleanup), March 4-7, 1991, San Diego, California / 1991
Proceedings of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Symposium : held at Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 2-5 February 1993 / 1996
Proceedings of the National Response Team Oil Spill Scientific Response Workshop, Gulf of Mexico / 1978
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