Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 28
Showing: Items 1 - 28
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Ocean tides)

Select Item Title Year Published
A comparison of the MESA-Puget Sound oil spill model with wind and current observations from August 1978 / 1980
AMOCO CADIZ Oil Spill. A Preliminary Scientific Report. 1978
Biology of Submerged Aquatic Macrophyte Communities in the Lower Chesapeake Bay. Volume 3. Interactions of Resident Consumers in a Temperate Estuarine Seagrass Community: Vaucluse Shores, Virginia. 1983
Cleanup efficiency and biological effects of a fuel oil spill in cold weather : the 1977 Bouchard no. 65 oil spill in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts / 1978
Contaminant Effects in Marine/Estuarine Systems: Field Studies and Scaled Simulations. 1994
Dispersion of sewage sludge discharged into New York Bight : physical oceanographic data - December 1974 / 1978
Ecological Characterization of Coastal Maine (North and East of Cape Elizabeth). Volume 2. 1980
Effects of experimental oiling on recovery of Strait of Juan de Fuca intertidal habitats : final report / 1981
Effects of Physical Gradients on the Production Dynamics of Sediment-Associated Algae. 1983
Flushing Study of South Beach Marina, Oregon. 1981
Ground Water Reservoir Response to Earth Tides. 1970
HF radar measurements of circulation in the eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca near Protection Island (July, 1979) / 1980
Hydrography and Beach Dynamics. 1973
It Pays to Save Wetlands 2004
Landsat estuarine water quality assessment of silviculture and dredging activities / 1980
Proceedings of the Sixth Symposium on Water Pollution Research : topic, Oceanography and related estuarial pollution problems of the Northwest / 1959
Production in coastal salt marshes of southern California / 1981
Recovery of Strait of Juan de Fuca Intertidal Habitat following experimental contamination with oil : second annual report, fall 1979-winter 1980 / 1980
Reproductive Ecology and Spawning Periodicity of the Atlantic Silverside, 'Menidia menidia' (Pisces: Atherinidae). 1982
Reproductive Rhythmicity of the Atherinid Fish, 'Colpichthys regis', from Estero Del Soldado, Sonora, Mexico. 1987
Spawning Periodicity of the Inland Silverside, 'Menidia beryllina' (Pisces: Atherinidae) in the Laboratory: Relationship to Lunar Cycles. 1993
Studies and investigations of the fate and effect of the Shell oil spill, platform B, block 26, South Timbalier Bay : (December 1, 1970-November 30, 1971) : prepared for Environmental Protection Agency / 1972
Studies of circulation and primary production in deep inlet environments / 1977
Subsidence and Related Effects on Wastewater Collection and Treatment Facilities. 1976
The condition of tidal wetlands of Washington, Oregon, and California, 2002 / 2007
The probability of sea level rise / 1995
Tital and Diurnal Spawning Cues in the Atlantic Silverside, 'Menidia menidia'. 1983
Ware River intensive watershed study : 2. estuarine receiving water quality / 1983

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