Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 61
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Select Item Title Year Published
A list of compounds emitted from on-road and non-road mobile sources / 2001
Assessment of in-use emissions of gasoline engine powered lawn mowers : Project #92-002 final report / 1995
Basic evaporative and crankcase emission rates for nonroad engine modeling : NR-012b / 2004
Calculation of age distributions in the nonroad model : growth and scrappage / 2005
Calculation of Age Distributions in the Nonroad Model: Growth and Scrappage. 2004
Commercial marine vessel contributions to emission inventories : final report / 1991
Conversion factors for hydrocarbon emission components / 2010
Conversion factors for hydrocarbon emission components / 2005
Conversion factors for hydrocarbon emission components. 2003
Conversion factors for hydrocarbon emission components: NR-002b / 2004
Draft Regulatory Impact Analysis: Control of Air Pollution Emission Standards for New Nonroad Spark-Ignition Marine Engines. 1994
Dynamometer Testing of Nonroad Diesel Engines to Support Nonroad Regulations : final report. 1992
Effectiveness of hydrocarbon emissions controls in rural areas as an ozone control strategy. 1991
Effects of ambient conditions on the emissions of two-and four-stroke air-cooled engines for the period: 5/27/95 to 2/28/97 / 1997
Emission and Cost Analysis of Alternative Emission Control Strategies for 0-25 HP Non-Handheld Equipment : summary report. 1995
Emission data and procedures for large SI engines / 2001
Emission testing of nonroad compression ignition engines : final report. contract no. 68-C4-0042, work assignment no. 0-2 / 1995
EPA technical study on the safety of emission controls for nonroad spark-ignition engines <50 horsepower / 2006
EPA's National Mobile Inventory Model (NMIM), a consolidated emissions modeling system for MOBILE6 and NONROAD / 2005
EPA's National Mobile Inventory Model (NMIM), A Consolidated Emissions Modeling System for MOBILE6 and NONROAD. 2005
EPA's Onboard Analysis Shootout: Overview and Results. 2002
Evaluation of methodologies to estimate nonroad mobile source usage. [microform] / 1993
Exhaust and crankcase emission factors for nonroad engine modeling : compression-ignition / 2004
Exhaust and Crankcase Emission Factors for Nonroad Engine Modeling: Compression-Ignition, July 2010, NR-009d. 2010
Exhaust emission effects of fuel sulfur and oxygen on gasoline nonroad engines / 2004
Exhaust Emission Effects of Sulfur and Oxygen on Gasoline Nonroad Engines. 2002
Gaseous emissions from a caterpillar 3176 (with EGR) using a matrix of diesel fuels (Phase 2) : final report / 1999
Geographic allocation of nonroad engine population data to the state and county level / 2005
Geographic allocation of state level nonroad engine population data to the county level / 2004
Hand held composite duty cycle report. 1995
Methodology to Estimate Nonroad Equipment Populations by Nonattainment Areas : final report. 1992
Mobile Source Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions in the Seattle-Tacoma Urban Area. 1994
Nonroad diesel emission standards : staff technical paper / 2001
Nonroad engine and vehicle emission study : draft. 1991
Nonroad engine and vehicle emission study. 1991
Nonroad engine emissions testing : final report. 1999
Nonroad engine population estimates / 2010
Nonroad engine population estimates : NR-006c / 2004
Nonroad engine population estimates : NR-006d / 2005
Nonroad evaporative emission rates : NR-012c / 2005
Nonroad evaporative emission rates. 2010
Nonroad mobile source sales and attrition study: identification and evaluation of available data sources. / 1993
Office of mobile sources and clean air network : a citizen's workshop : Conference proceedings, July 20-21, 1993. 1993
Populations, activity and emissions of diesel nonroad equipment in EPA Region 7 / 2012
Procedures for developing base year and future year mass emission inventories for the nonroad diesel engine rulemaking. 2003
Progress Report on EPA's Nonroad Mobile Source Emissions Reduction Strategies. 2006
Refueling emissions for nonroad engine modeling / 2004
Regulatory Impact Analysis and Regulatory Support Document: Control of Air Pollution; Determination of Significance for Nonroad Sources and Emission Standards for New Nonroad Compression-Ignition Engines at or Above 37 Kilowatts (50 Horsepower). 1994
RVP and temperature corrections for nonroad engine modeling : NR-002b / 2004
Seasonal and monthly activity allocation fractions for nonroad engine emissions modeling. 2005
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