Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Modeling system)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Aggregation and Episode Selection Scheme for EPA's Models-3 CMAQ. 1999
Aggregation Using Cluster Analyses for Models-3 CMAQ Applications. 1997
Air Quality Modeling of PM and Air Toxics at Neighborhood Scales. 2000
An urban air quality simulation with community multi-scale air quality (CMAQ) modeling system / 1998
Application of a New Land-Surface, Dry Deposition, and PBL Model in the Models-3 Community Multi-Scale Air Quality (CMAQ) Model System. 2000
Application of Fine Scale Air Toxics Modeling with CMAQ (Community Multiscale Air Quality) to HAPEM5 (Hazardous Air Pollutant Exposure Model 5). 2004
Application of the Models-3 Community Multi-Scale Air Quality (CMAQ) Model System to SOS/Nashville 1999. 2003
Assessment of the "VISTAS" version of the CALPUFF modeling system. 2008
Background document for the surface impoundment modeling system (SIMS) : version 2.0 / 1990
Beta Test of Models-3 with Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) Model. 1997
Case Studies and Model Testing of the Metals Exposure Analysis Modeling System (MEXAMS). 1986
Community Scale Air Toxics Modeling with CMAQ. 2003
Description of the Models-3 Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) Modeling System. 1997
Development and Implementation of the EPA's Models-3 Initial Operating Version: Community Multi-Scale Air Quality (CMAQ) Model. 1997
Environmental Protection Agency's Third Generation Air Quality Modeling System: An Overall Perspective. 1998
EPA Multimedia Integrated Modeling System Software Suite. 2003
EPA Spatial Allocator User Guide. 2004
Establishment of a Community Modeling and Analysis Support Mechanism. 2003
Estimation of toxaphene concentrations in the mouth of the Yazoo River, MS resulting from basin-wide application of toxaphene to cotton and soybeans 1979
Evaluating Advection Schemes for Use in the Next Generation of Air Quality Modeling Systems. 1994
Evaluation of the State-of-the-Art Contaminated Sediment Transport and Fate Modeling System. 2006
Exposure analysis modeling system (EXAMS II) : user's guide for version 2.97.5 / 1997
Exposure Analysis Modeling System (EXAMS) : user manual and system documentation / 1982
Exposure Analysis Modeling System (EXAMS) : user manual and system documentation / 2000
Exposure Analysis Modeling System : reference manual for EXAMS II / 1985
Exposure Assessment Approaches for Chemicals Used As Soil Fumigants: Consideration of the Fumigant Exposure Modeling System (FEMS) - A Case Study with Metam-Sodium. 2004
Exposure Assessment Approaches for Chemicals Used As Soil Fumigants: Consideration of the Probabilistic Exposure and Risk Model for Fumigants (PERFUM) - A Case Study With Iodomethane. 2004
First Results from Operational Testing of the U.S. EPA Models3-Community Multiscale Model for Air Quality (CMAQ). 2001
Functionality of an Integrated Emission Preprocessing System for Air Quality Modeling: The Models-3 Emission Processor. 1995
Graphical Exposure Modeling System GEMS user's guide 1991
Implementation of the USEPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency) Regional Oxidant Modeling System. 1984
Laboratory Ecosystems for Studying Chemical Fate: An Evaluation Using Methyl Parathion. 1982
Linking Air Toxic Concentrations from CMAQ to the HAPEM5 Exposure Model at Neighorhood Scales for the Philadelphia Area. 2004
Model-Based Analysis and Tracking of Airborne Mercury Emissions to Assist in Watershed Planning. 2008
Modeling Air Toxics and PM2-5 Concentration Fields as a Means for Facilitating Human Exposure Assessments. 2001
Models-3: A Unifying Framework for Environmental Modeling and Assessment. 1997
Models3/CMAQ. EPA's Third Generation Air Quality Modeling System (Version 4) (on CD-ROM). 2000
Models3/CMAQ. EPA's Third Generation Air Quality Modeling System (Version 4.1) (on CD-ROM). 2001
Neighborhood Scale Modeling of PM(sub 2.5) and Air Toxics Concentration Distributions to Drive Human Exposure Models. 2003
Photochemical plume-in-grid simulations of major point sources inthe community multiscale air quality (CMAQ) modeling system / 1998
Photochemical Simulations of Point Source Emissions with the Models-3 CMAQ Plume-in-Grid Approach. 2000
Plume-in-Grid Treatment of Major Elevated Point-Source Emissions in Models-3. 1997
Preliminary Evaluation of Models-3 CMAQ Using Particulate Matter Data from the IMPROVE Network. 2001
Processing Emission Inventory Data in the Models-3 Integrated Distributed Modeling System: A Tutorial Example. 1997
PRZM-3, A Model for Predicting Pesticide and Nitrogen Fate in the Crop Root and Unsaturated Soil Zones: Users Manual for Release 3.12.2. 2005
Regional-Urban Scale Modeling of Fine Particulates Using the U.S. EPA Models-3 Community Multiscale Air Quality Modeling System. 1997
Results of Photochemical Simulations of Subgrid Scale Point Source Emissions with the Models-3 CMAQ Modeling System. 2000
Role of Property-Reactivity Relationships in Meeting the EPA's Needs for Environmental Fate Constants. 1992
Science algorithms of the EPA models-3 community multiscale air quality (CMAQ) modeling system / 1999
Science Features in Models-3 Community Multiscale Air Quality System. 1997
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