Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 101 - 150
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Select Item Title Year Published
Adipic acid degradation mechanism in aqueous FGD systems / 1979
ADME-enabling technologies in drug design and development / 2012
Adsorption of biochemically resistant materials from solution. 1 / 1964
Adsorption of biochemically resistant materials from solution. 2. / 1966
Advanced instructional technology : participant reference manual / 1979
Advanced waste treatment by distillation / 1964
Advances in arsenic research : integration of experimental and observational studies and implications for mitigation / 2005
Advances in computational toxicology : methodologies and applications in regulatory science / 2019
Advances in microbial food safety / 2006
Aerial spill prevention surveillance during sub-optimum weather / 1973
Aerodynamic control of nitrogen oxides and other pollutants from fossil fuel combustion : Vol. II Raw data and experminental equipment / 1973
Aerosol Filtration Efficiency of Ventilation Air Cleaners. 1995
Aerosol measurement : principles, techniques, and applications / 2011
AERSURFACE user's guide. 2008
Affinity membranes : their chemistry and performance in adsorptive separation processes / 1991
Agricultural field experiments design and analysis / 1994
Agricultural pest control : animal / 1976
AICE Survey of USSR Air Pollution Literature. Volume XVIII. Purification of Gases through High Temperature Removal of Sulfur Compounds. 1972
Air Conservation. Volume 9, Number 4(48) 1975. 1976
Air dispersion modeling : foundations and applications / 2014
Air dispersion modeling : foundations and applications / 2014
Air pollution : better internal controls needed to ensure complete air regulation dockets : report to the chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / 1988
Air pollution : EPA's efforts to develop a new model for regulating utility emissions : report to the chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / 1988
Air pollution : EPA's ozone policy is a positive step but needs more legal authority : report to the chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / 1988
Air pollution and turbulence : modeling and applications / 2010
Air pollution aspects of aldehydes {microform} / 1969
Air pollution aspects of ammonia. : Prepared for the National Air Pollution Control Administration. / 1969
Air pollution aspects of arsenic and its compounds / 1970
Air pollution aspects of asbestos 1970
Air pollution aspects of barium and its compounds. 1969
Air pollution aspects of brass and bronze smelting and refining industry / 1969
Air pollution aspects of cadmium and its compounds / 1970
Air pollution aspects of chlorine gas / 1969
Air pollution aspects of chromium and its compounds 1970
Air pollution aspects of hydrochloric acid 1969
Air pollution aspects of manganese and its compounds. 1969
Air pollution aspects of mercury and its compounds / 1970
Air pollution aspects of pesticides / 1970
Air pollution aspects of phosphorus and its compounds / 1969
Air pollution aspects of selenium and its compounds / 1970
Air pollution aspects of the iron and steel industry 1963
Air pollution aspects of zinc and its compounds / 1969
Air pollution control and waste incineration for hospitals and other medical facilities 1990
Air pollution control techniques for non-metallic minerals industry / 1982
Air pollution engineering manual. 1973
Air Pollution from Chlorination Processes. 1972
Air pollution modeling and its application V 1986
Air pollution source survey, Edwards Air Force Base, California. 1974
Air pollution source survey, Kingsley Air Force Station, Oregon. 1974
Air Pollution/Land Use Planning Project. Volume I. Selected Land Use Control Policies for Air Quality Management. 1973
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