Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 3622
Showing: Items 451 - 500
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Select Item Title Year Published
Bioinformatics and computational biology solutions using R and Bioconductor / 2005
Bioinformatics and functional genomics / 2003
Bioinformatics and genome analysis / 2002
Bioinformatics methods and protocols / 2000
Biointeractions of nanomaterials / 2015
Biological concepts and techniques in toxicology : an integrated approach / 2006
Biological Methods for Determining Toxicity of Contaminated Freshwater Sediments to Invertebrates. 1984
Biological problems in water pollution : transactions of the Second Seminar on Biological Problems in Water Pollution, held April 20-24, 1959, at Cincinnati, Ohio / 1960
Biological toxicity testing. 1995
Biomarkers : in medicine, drug discovery, and environmental health / 2010
Biomarkers in risk assessment : validity and validation / 2001
Biomarkers of environmentally associated disease : technologies, concepts, and perspectives / 2002
Biometry for forestry and environmental data with examples in R / 2020
Biomolecular Sensing for Biological Processes and Environmental Monitoring Applications. 1995
Biomonitors and biomarkers as indicators of environmental change : a handbook / 1995
Biosensors and modern biospecific analytical techniques / 2005
Biostatistical analysis / 1996
Biostatistical methods 2002
Biostatistical methods : the assessment of relative risks / 2011
Biostatistical methods : the assessment of relative risks / 2000
Biostatistics : a methodology for the health sciences / 2004
Biostatistics and epidemiology : a primer for health professionals / 1995
Biostatistics cookbook : the most user-friendly guide for the bio/medical scientist / 1996
Biostatistics for animal science 2004
Biostatistics in pharmacology 1979
Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems. Identification Manual No. 4. Freshwater Polychaetes (Annelida) of North America. 1972
Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems. Identification Manual No. 7. Freshwater Isopods (Asellidae) of North America. 1972
Bioterrorism : a guide for facility managers / 2005
Bioterrorism, preparedness, attack and response 2004
BioWatch and public health surveillance : evaluating systems for the early detection of biological threats / 2011
Blood cells : a practical guide / 2002
Boiler design criteria for dry sorbent SO2 control with low-NOx burners / 1986
Boiler Design Criteria for Dry Sorbent SO2 Control with Low-NOx Burners. 1986
Book repair : a how-to-do-it manual / 2001
Bootstrap methods and their application / 1997
Borehole sensing methods for ground-water investigations at hazardous waste sites / 1987
Brain research Brain research protocols. 1997
Braxton sonic agglomerator evaluation / 1974
Building bioinformatics solutions : with Perl, R, and MySQL / 2009
Cadmium in Foods: A Review of the World's Literature. 1979
Calculated budgets for airborne acidifying components in Europe : 1985, 1987, 1988, 1989 and 1991 / 1991
Calculated budgets for airborne acidifying components in Europe : 1985, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 and 1992 / 1993
Calculated risks : the toxicity and human health risks of chemicals in our environment / 2007
Calculated risks : understanding the toxicity and human health risks of chemicals in our environment / 1992
California Solid Waste Management Study (1968) and Plan (1970). 1971
Campbell-Walsh urology eleventh edition review / 2016
Cancer epidemiology : principles and methods / 1999
Cancer genomics and proteomics : methods and protocols / 2007
Cancer modeling and risk assessment / 1991
Canonical analysis and factor comparison 1977
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