Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Biological test method. Test for measuring emergence and growth of terrestrial plants exposed to contaminants in soil / 2005
Biological test method. Test for measuring survival and reproduction of springtails exposed to contaminants in soil / 2007
Biological test method. Test for measuring the inhibition of growth using the freshwater macrophyte, Lemna minor / 1999
Biological test method. Test for survival and growth in sediment using spionid polychaete worms (Polydora cornuta) / 2001
Biological test method. Tests for toxicity of contaminated soil to earthworms (Eisenia andrei, Eisenia fetida, or Lumbricus terrestris) / 2004
Biological test method. Toxicity test using luminescent bacteria (photobacterium phosphoreum) / 1992
Biological test method. Toxicity tests using early life stages of salmonid fish (rainbow trout) / 1998
Biostimulation Characteristics of Wastes and Receiving Waters of the Snake River Basin. 1974
Biotechnology processes : scale-up and mixing 1987
Biotechnology risk assessment : USEPA/USDA/Environment Canada/Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada : risk assessment methodologies : proceedings of the Biotechnology Risk Assessment Symposium, June 6-8, 1995, Pensacola, Florida / 1995
Borehole geophysics applied to ground-water hydrology / 1988
Borehole geophysics applied to ground-water investigations 1989
Borehole geophysics applied to ground-water investigations / 1990
Borehole geophysics applied to ground-water investigations / 1988
Brain research Brain research protocols. 1997
Brominated Compounds Found in Waste-Treatment Effluents and Their Capacity to Bioaccumulate. 1978
Calibration methodology for the double sample of the national lake survey phase II sampling / 1989
Campaigns of experimentation : pathways to innovation and transformation / 2005
Capacity of Water-Based Recreation Systems. Part I: The State of the Art. A Literature Review. 1974
Capital Improvements Programming for Local Governments. 1975
Carbon monoxide monitoring network design methodology : application in the Las Vegas Valley / 1978
Carbon Storage and Change in Iowa Forest Ecosystem. 2000
Cartographies of disease : maps, mapping, and medicine / 2005
Case studies 1-23 : remedial response at hazardous waste sites. 1984
Case Studies Addendum: 1-8. Remedial Response at Hazardous Waste Sites. 1988
Case study research : design and methods / 2014
Cell membranes, methods and reviews. 1983
Changes in official methods of analysis made at the ... annual meeting ... 0
Characterization of coal pile drainage / 1979
Characterization of Data Uncertainty and Variability in IRIS Assessments: Pre-Pilot vs Pilot/Post-Pilot. 2008
Chemical Indexing system for the Toxic Chemical Release Inventory : part I : Chronic Index / 1993
Chemical ranking and scoring : guidelines for relative assessments of chemical : proceedings of the Pellston Workshop on Chemical Ranking and Scoring, 11-16 February 1995, Sandestin, Florida / 1997
Chemical technology and economics in environmental perspective. epoxies, linear polyesters, and trimellitates / Task VI - A survey of plasticizers : 1981
Chemical technology and economics in environmental perspective. final report. Task 1, Analysis of the sources of phosphorus in the environment : 1979
Chemical test methods of analysis 2002
Chemistry and chemical biology : methodologies and applications / 2015
Chemometrics applied to the discrimination of synthetic fibers by microspectrophotometry / 2013
Chicagoland water and wastewater preparedness and business resiliency summit : a community forum on interdependencies : meeting summary findings and recommendations. 2008
Chromosomal aberrations in peripheral lymphocytes of students exposed to air pollutants / 1978
Civil Society Organization and Disaster Risk Reduction The Asian Dilemma / [electronic resource] : 2014
Classical split and splitless injection in capillary gas chromatography : with some remarks on PTV injection 1986
Classical split and splitless injection in capillary gas chromatography with some remarks on PTV injection / 1988
Classification of American cities for case study analysis : volume 1, summary report / 1977
Classification of lakes in the coast range ecoregion with respect to nutrient processing. 2005
Climate Change Handbook for Regional Water Planning. 2011
Cochrane handbook for systematic reviews of interventions / 2008
Code of best practice for experimentation. 2002
Collaborative knowledge in scientific research networks / 2015
Collection of Pyrethroids in Water and Sediment Matrices: Development and Validation of a Standard Operation Procedure. 2009
Colorado AQMA Area Source Emission Inventory. 1975
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