Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1331
Showing: Items 251 - 300
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Methodology)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Declaration of Indian Rights to the Natural Resources in the Northern Great Plains. 1974
Defending science--within reason : between scientism and cynicism / 2003
Defined immunofluorescence and related cytochemical methods / 1983
Defining Assessment Factors (e.g., exclusion/inclusion criteria). 2012
Demonstration Grant Program has Limited Impact on National Solid Waste Disposal Problem. (Report to the Congress). 1972
Demonstration of Low Cost, Low Burden, Exposure Monitoring Strategies for Use in Longitudinal Cohort Studies. Volume 1. Final Report. 2004
Descriptive guide to risk assessment methodologies for air toxics / 1993
Design and evaluation of laboratory ecological system studies / 1977
Design and Operation of an Information Center on Analytical Methodology. 1971
Designing a research project the basics of biomedical research methodology / 1982
Designing and conducting mixed methods research / 2011
Designing clinical research / 2013
Designing qualitative research / 2011
Determination of Discharge-Frequency Relationships Utilizing Non-Linear Hydrographs and a Modified Rational Formula. 1973
Determination of emission rates of hydrocarbons from indigenous species of vegetation in the Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida area / 1979
Determination of Harmful Quantities and Rates of Penalty for Hazardous Substances. Volume I. Executive Summary. 1974
Determination of Harmful Quantities and Rates of Penalty for Hazardous Substances. Volume II. Technical Documentation. 1974
Determination of nonmethane organic carbon (NMOC) by cryogenic preconcentration and flame ionization detection / 1981
Determination of plutonium in drinking water : method 911 / 1982
Determination of polonium-210 in drinking water by alpha particle counting : method 912.0 / 1983
Determination of thorium in drinking water : method 910 / 1982
Determining input variables for calculation of impact of new source performance standards / 1977
Development and Evaluation of a Transportation Control Plan for the Massachusetts Portion of the Hartford-New Haven-Springfield Air Quality Control Region. Volume I. Proposed Transportation Control Plan. 1975
Development and Evaluation of Composite Receptor Methods. 1988
Development and evaluation of polarized light microscopy (PLM) procedure for measuring low levels of asbestos in bulk materials / 1987
Development and Implementation of a Homology Mapping Technique to Aid the Selection of Cities for Modeling of the Effects of Urban Heat Island Mitigation Measures on Ozone Air Quality. 2001
Development and Pilot-Testing of an Automatic Information Dissemination System. 1973
Development and testing of the CBM-IV for urban and regional modeling / 1988
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines new source performance standards for the iron and steel manufacturing point source category. 1982
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines, new source performance standards, and pretreatment standards for the iron and steel manufacturing point source category. 1982
Development document for proposed effluent limitations guidelines, new source performance standards, and pretreatment standards for the inorganic chemicals manufacturing point source category / 1980
Development methods for water wells : an anthology : 8 papers on water well development techniques / 1991
Development of a floristic quality assessment methodology for Wisconsin : final report to USEPA - Region V / 2003
Development of a kit for detecting hazardous material spills in waterways / 1978
Development of a method for the determination of carbon and hydrogen in solid waste / 1970
Development of a methodology and emission inventory for fugitive dust for the regional air pollution study / 1976
Development of a methodology for designing carbon monoxide monitoring networks / 1977
Development of a Methodology for Monitoring Groundwater Quality. 1975
Development of a pollutant monitoring system for biosphere reserves / 1978
Development of a Prototype Search and Retrieval Network for Water Resource Information. 1973
Development of a trial air quality maintenance plan using the Baltimore air quality control region / 1974
Development of an ADP Training Program to Serve the EPA Data Processing Community. 1976
Development of an approach for integrating components of the U.S. Geological Survey Biomonitoring of Environmental Status and Trends (BEST) and National Stream Quantity Accounting Network (NASQAN) programs for large U.S. rivers / 2005
Development of an economics-based methodology for projecting future pollution problems / 1978
Development of an Economics-Based Methodology for Projecting Future Pollution Problems. 1976
Development of an example 10-year air quality maintenance plan for the Denver AQMSA / 1974
Development of Canada's procedure for aquatic toxicity testing using polychaetes : selection of suitable species. 1994
Development of Environment Canada's growth-and-survival test for sediment toxicity using cultured polychaete worms / 1995
Development of Guidelines for Identification and Evaluation of Localized Violations of Carbon Monoxide Standards. 1976
Development of Measurement Methodology for Evaluating Fugitive Particulate Emissions. 1981
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