Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 28
Showing: Items 1 - 28
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Mass spectrometers)

Select Item Title Year Published
Alternatives to Methanol-Water Elution of Solid-Phase Extraction Columns for the Fractionation of High Log K(sub ow) Organic Compounds in Aqueous Environmental Samples. 1993
Analysis of method TO-A14 target analytes using a cryofocusing high-speed gas chromatograph interfaced to a high speed time-of-flight mass spectrometer {microform} / 1997
Bioassay and Chemical Analysis of Ambient Air Particulate Extracts Fractionated by Using Nonaqueous Anion-Exchange Solid Phase Extraction. 1993
Characterization of aerosol consumer products / 1995
Combustion products from the incineration of plastics / 1973
Combustion Products from the Incineration of Plastics. 1973
Comparison of Priority Pollutant Response Factors for Triple and Single Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers. 1983
Compilation of information on real-time air monitors for use at Superfund sites. 1993
Computer Control of a High-Temperature Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer. 1971
Computer interpretation of pollutant mass spectra / 1976
Construction of a Leak-Inlet System for the LKB 9000 Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer. 1970
Determination of Environmental Contaminants Using an Electrospray Interface Combined with an Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer. 1993
Direct Trace Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds in Air Using Ion Trap Mass Spectrometers with Filtered Noise Fields. 1995
Environmental technology verification report : field portable gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer, Bruker-Franzen Analytical Systems, Inc. EM640 / 1997
Environmental technology verification report : field portable gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer, Inficon, Inc. Hapsite / 1998
Environmental technology verification report : field portable gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer, Viking Instruments Corporation Spectra Trak 672 / 1997
Field Deployable Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer for the Measurement of Trace Organic Compounds in Air. 1996
Formation of NO and NO2 in a Turbulent Propane/Air Diffusion Flame. 1974
Improved instrumentation for determination of exhaust gas oxygenate content : annual report, March 1970 / 1970
Love Canal emergency declaration area habitability study : volume 2. Air assessment: indicator chemicals. 1988
Love Canal emergency declaration area habitability study : volume 3. Soil ssessment: indicator chemicals. 1988
Mass Spectrometer as a Substance-Selective Detector in Chromatography. 1976
Nonmethane Organic Compound and Toxics Monitoring Program. Final Report 1987. Volume 2. Toxic Species. 1988
Organic Combustion Fingerprints of Three Common Home Heating Fuels. 1993
Organic compounds in pulp mill lagoon discharges / 1975
Sampling and analysis procedures for screening of industrial effluents for priority pollutants. 1977
Techniques for optimizing a quadrupole GC/MS/computer system / 1976
Thermospray Ionization and Tandem Mass Spectrometry of Dyes. 1986

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