Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A Boaters guide to no discharge areas and pump outs in New Hampshire. 2005
A Boaters guide to no discharge areas in New England. 2009
A Boaters guide to no discharge areas in New England. 2007
An analysis of the future alternatives for the Monterey marina and harbor. 1973
Analysis of wastewater discharge from marine sanitation devices : final report / 1981
Anglers' guide to the United States Atlantic coast : fish, fishing grounds & fishing facilities / 1974
Anglers' guide to the United States Atlantic coast : fish, fishing grounds & fishing facilities / 1974
Anne Arundel County boating and marina study 1980
Annotated bibliography on tidal flushing and circulation in marinas / 1980
Best management practices (BMPs) for marinas and small boatyards in British Columbia / 1995
Characterization of Baseline Demographic Trends in the Year-Round and Recreational Populations in the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine Study Area. 1989
Charaterization of Nonpoint Sources and Loadings to the Corpus Christi Bay National Estuary Program Study Area. 1996
Clean marinas - clear value : environmental and business success stories / 1996
Coastal facility guidelines : a methodology for development with environmental case studies on marinas and power plants : working paper. 1976
Coastal marina water quality assessment using tidal prism analysis : user's manual / 1992
Coastal marinas assessment handbook / 1985
Comprehensive plan for small craft harbors-of-refuge, Lake Michigan, Green Bay, and Missisippi River. 1965
Contaminants associated with settling particulate matter and bottom sediments at two marinas in Thea Foss waterway 2001
Criteria governing the design of bulkheads, land fills, and marinas in Puget Sound, Hood Canal, and Strait of Juan de Fuca for protection of fish and shellfish resources 1971
Delaware clean marina guidebook / 2003
Draft environmental impact statement for Place Eighteen Moorage 1983
East Bay Marina, Olumpia {sic} Harbor, Washington detailed project report, Section 107, 1960 River and Harbor Act. 1980
East Bay Marina, Olympia, Thurston County, Washington final detailed project report, Section 107, 1960 River and Harbor Act and environmental impact statement. 1980
Ecological survey of Piney Narrows Marina 1900
Ecology of small boat marinas 1973
Effect of Aeration upon a Small Marina. 1966
Effects of Planform Geometry on Tidal Flushing and Mixing in Marinas. 1981
Engineering considerations for marinas in tidal marshes 1974
Environmental impacts of marinas and their boats : a literature review with management considerations 1978
Evaluation of Recreational and Cultural Benefits of Estuarine Use in an Urban Setting. 1971
Evaluation of State Environmental Management and Resource Protection Programs in the Albemarle-Pamlico Region. 1990
Flushing Study of South Beach Marina, Oregon. 1981
Houseboat waste characteristics and treatment / 1967
Houseboat wastes; methods for collection and treatment. 1967
Interactions of Chlorine-Produced Oxidants (CPO) and Salinity in Affecting Lethal and Sublethal Effects in the Eastern or American Oyster, 'Crassostrea virginica' (GMELIN), Infected with the Protistan Parasite, 'Perkinsus marinus'. 1985
Legal aspects of recreational marina siting in Florida 1980
Marina and Moorage Seminar {papers. 1970
Marina development handbook for Washington 1980
Marina environmental management plan : a workbook for marinas, boatyards, & yacht clubs in New England. 2007
Marina environmental management plan : a workbook for marinas, boatyards, & yacht clubs in New England. 2005
Marina impacts in Clear Lake and Galveston Bay. 0
Marina water quality models / 1992
Marinas and recreational boating : management measures for sources of nonpoint pollution in coastal waters. 1999
National management measures to control nonpoint source pollution from marinas and recreational boating / 2001
National management measures to control nonpoint source pollution from marinas and recreational boating : draft / 2000
No discharge areas in New England. 2011
Onshore Treatment System for Sewage from Watercraft Retention Systems. 1975
Physical Impacts to Habitats in Tampa Bay. 1994
Pollution of a marina area by watercraft use as indicated by coliform and chemical concentrations / 1971
Pollution of a Marina Area by Watercraft Use as Indicated by Coliform and Chemical Concentrations. 1971
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