Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 326
Showing: Items 301 - 326
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Mapping)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Tools for presenting spatial and temporal patterns of environmental monitoring data / 1990
Transducing the genome : information, anarchy, and revolution in the biomedical sciences / 2001
Trophic classification of selected Illinois water bodies : lake classification through amalgamation of LANDSAT multispectral scanner and contact-sensed data / 1979
Tropical wetlands : proceedings of the International Workshop on Tropical Wetlands - Innovation in Mapping and Management, October 19-20, 2018, Banjarmasin, Indonesia / 2019
Understanding the genome / 2002
Unmanned aerial remote sensing : UAS for environmental applications / 2021
Urban Remote Sensing / 2018
Use of Moments for Mapping Vertical Variability of Cretaceous Aquifers in Mississippi. 1971
Use of Remote Sensing to Map the Areal Distribution of 'Cladophora glomerata' at a Site in Lake Huron. 1982
User's guide for the Assessment System for Population Exposure Nationwide (ASPEN, Version 1.1) model. 2000
Uses of Environmental Maps in Determining Areas of Noncompliance. 1977
Using ArcGIS desktop. 2006
Using LANDSAT 7 Imagery to Map Invasive Reed Canary Grass ('Phalaris arundinacea'): A Landscape Level Wetland Monitoring Methodology. 2004
Using SAS (Trade Name) Color Graphics for Video Image Analysis. 1988
Using soil surveys through interpretive maps. 1980
Utilizing a Chirp Sonar to Accurately Characterize Newly Deposited Material at the Calcasieu Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site, Louisiana. 1992
Video-Based Mapping of Oyster Bottom in the Upper Piscataqua River, Sturgeon Creek, and Spruce Creek. A Final Report to The Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership. Date of the Report January 21, 2009. 2009
Waterfowl Workgroup Living Resources Subcommittee : Annual Progress Report / 1991
Watershed characterization using landsat thematic mapper (TM) satellite imagery : Blackfoot River, Montana / 1991
Watershed characterization using Landsat thematic mapper imagery : Blackfoot River, Montana / 1991
Watershed Planning in the Albermarle-Pamlico Estuarine System. Report 5 - Fishing Practices Mapping. 1992
Wetland landscape characterization / 2001
Wetlands detection methods investigation / 1991
Wetlands mapping standard / 2009
Wetlands: Characteristics and Boundaries. 1995
Workshop on Environmental Mapping of the Great Lakes : proceedings of a symposium held in Windsor, Ontario, November 8-10, 1976 / 1976
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