Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Computer Mapping as an Aid in Air Pollution Studies. Volume II. Individual Reports. Report E. Montreal Region Study. 1970
Computer Mapping as an Aid in Air Pollution Studies. Volume II. Individual Reports. Report F. Connecticut Study. 1970
Computer Mapping as an Aid in Air Pollution Studies. Volume II. Individual Reports. Report G. Southern New England Study. 1970
Computer Mapping as an Aid in Air Pollution Studies. Volume II. Individual Reports. Report I. California Study. 1970
Computer Mapping as an Aid in Air Pollution Studies. Volume II. Individual Reports. Report L. Symap Interpolation Characteristics. 1970
Computer Mapping as an Aid to Air Pollution Studies. Volume II: Individual Reports. Report H. Puget Sound Region Study. 1970
Computer Mapping of Coal Reserves by Sulfur Level: General Documentation - Part I. 1971
Computer Mapping of Coal Reserves by Sulfur Level: General Documentation. Part II. 1971
Computer Mapping of Coal Reserves by Sulfur Level: Study Area Report. 1971
Computer-Based Land Classification for Management of Hazardous Waste. 1986
Conservation of Structure in the Human Gene Encoding Argininosuccinate Synthetase and the argG Genes of the Archaebacteria 'Methanosarcina barkeri' MS and 'Methanococcus vannielii'. 1988
Content standards for digital geospatial metadata 1994
Continued Geophysical Logging Near the GMH Electronics National Priorities List Superfund Site Near Roxboro, North Carolina. 2016
Conversion of Section-Township-Range to Latitude-Longitude: A Computer Technique. 1969
Data Collection Requirements and Procedures for Mapping Wetland, Deepwater and Related Habitats of the United States. 2009
Detailed vegetation mapping of the IBP Pawnee site / 1972
Detecting landfill leachate contamination using remote sensors / 1979
Determination of Cloud Parameters for NEROS II from Digital Satellite Data. 1984
Developing 2010 Impervious Surface Estimates for the Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership Towns. 2010
Development and Implementation of a Homology Mapping Technique to Aid the Selection of Cities for Modeling of the Effects of Urban Heat Island Mitigation Measures on Ozone Air Quality. 2001
Development of a Simulation Model for Estimating Ground Level Concentrations of Photochemical Pollutants. 1971
Development of a Simulation Model for Estimating Ground Level Concentrations of Photochemical Pollutants. Appendix C. The Treatment of Meteorological Variables. 1971
Direct/delayed response project : definition of soil sampling classes and selection of sampling sites for the Northeast / 1989
Direct/delayed response project : field operations and quality assurance report for additional watershed mapping in the Mid-Appalachian region of the United States / 1990
Direct/delayed response project : field operations and quality assurance report for additional watershed mapping in the Northeastern region of the United States / 1990
Direct/delayed response project : field operations and quality assurance report for soil sampling and preparation in the Northeastern United States. Volume I, Sampling / 1987
Direct/delayed response project : field operations and quality assurance report for soil sampling and preparation in the Southern Blue Ridge Province of the United States {Microfiche} / 1988
Direct/Delayed Response Project: Field Operations and Quality Assurance Report for Soil Sampling and Preparation in the Southern Blue Ridge Province of the United States. Volume 2. Preparation. 1988
Direct/Delayed Response Project: Mid-Appalachian Soil Correlation and Sampling Class Development Workshop. Held in Corvallis, Oregon on August 22-25, 1988. 1990
Disease mapping : from foundations to multidimensional modeling / 2019
Distribution of Natural and Anthropogenic Elements and Compounds in Precipitation Across the U.S.: Theory and Quantitative Models. 1972
Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries and Chincoteague Bay - 1994 / 1995
Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries and Chincoteague Bay, 1986 / 1986
Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries and Chincoteague Bay, 1987 / 1987
Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries and Chincoteague Bay, 1991 / 1992
Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries and Chincoteague Bay, 1992 / 1993
Distribution of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and Tributaries, 1985. 1987
Distribution of submerged vascular plants, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland / 1983
DRASTIC, a demonstration mapping project : Botetourt, Carroll, Henrico, Middlesex, Prince William, and Rockingham counties, Virginia / 1990
DRG : digital raster graphic data : Myrtle Beach, SC. 1997
Economic and Physical Impacts on Individual Farm Management Units Under Alternative Management Scenarios in the Blue Creek Watershed, Pike County, Illinois. 1982
Ecosystem Services Research Program (ESRP) Albemarle-Pamlico Watershed and Estuary Study (APWES) Research Plan. 2010
Effective risk and crisis communication during water security emergencies : summary report of EPA sponsored message mapping workshops / 2007
EMAP : Chesapeake Bay Watershed Pilot Project. 1994
ENU Mutagenesis in the Mouse Electrophoretic Specific-Locus Test. 2. Mutational Studies of Mature Oocytes. 1992
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program : Chesapeake Bay Watershed Pilot Projec project summary / 1994
Environmental quality maps for the U.S. Great Lakes basin / 1981
EPA geospatial quality council strategy plan : FY-02 / 2001
EPA's national mapping requirements program : opportunities and benefits. 1987
ER mapper 5.1. 1995
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