Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Cancer mortality excess in counties of Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas / 1981
Cancer Mortality Excess in Counties of Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas. Part 1. Report. 1981
Cancer Mortality Excess in Counties of Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas. Part 2. Appendix. 1981
Carbon monoxide analysis of future attainment of the NAAQS in Wichita, Kansas / 1985
Carbon monoxide analysis of future attainment of the NAAQS in Wichita, Kansas / 1985
Carbon monoxide nonattainment study for Wichita, Kansas 1984
Caring for the Kaw : a citizen's guide to protecting water quality / 1997
Cases in Water Conservation: How Efficiency Programs Help Water Utilities Save Water and Avoid Costs. 2004
Catalogue of publications 1994
Characterization of ground-water flow and chemical transport beneath two irrigated fields in south-central Kansas, 1988 1990
Chemical quality of irrigation waters in Ford County and the Great Bend Prairie of Kansas 1978
Chemical quality of irrigation waters in Hamilton, Kearny, Finney, and northern Gray Counties 1977
Chemical quality of irrigation waters in southwestern Kansas 1978
Chemical quality of water in the Walnut River Basin, south-central Kansas / 1972
Chemical Water Quality on the Lower Kansas River Basin. 1966
Climate change and Kansas. 1998
Coal Ash Impoundment Specific Site Assessment Report: Westar Energy, Jeffrey Energy Center, Bottom Ash Lake Dam, Bottom Ash Pond Dam. 2009
Coal Ash Impoundment--Specific Site Assesment Report Westar Energy. Jeffrey Energy Center. 2009
Combining Treatability Studies and Site Characterization for Rational Design of In situ Bioremediation Using Nitrate as an Electron Acceptor. 1993
Community Water Supply Study, Kansas City SMSA. 1970
Compendium of Lake and Reservoir Data Collected by the National Eutrophication Survey in the Central United States. 1978
Compilation of Appendix D for Kansas City Air Quality Control Region. 1971
Compliance Evaluation Inspection: Excel Corporation. KWPC Permit No. I-UA11-NP01. 1993
Comprehensive network site description : Hays / 1970
Computer Mapping as an Aid in Air Pollution Studies. Volume I. Summary Report. Appendix. Computer Graphics. 1970
Computer Mapping as an Aid in Air Pollution Studies. Volume II. Individual Reports. Report D. Kansas City Region Study. 1970
Concentrations and transport of atrazine in the Delaware River-Perry Lake system, northeast Kansas, July 1992 through September 1995 / 1997
Conditioning water for secondary-recovery in midcontinent oil fields 1952
Conference at St. Joseph, Missouri on Interstate Pollution in the Missouri River. 1957
Conference in the Matter of Pollution of the Inter-State Waters of the Missouri River-Omaha, Nebraska-Iowa-Missouri-Kansas). 1964
Configuration of top of Precambrian basement rocks in Kansas / 1962
Contamination of deep water wells in southeastern Kansas. 1948
Control Strategies for Set II Pollutants Kansas City IAQCR and S. Central Kansas AQCR. 1971
Corona destruction : an innovative control technology for VOCs and air toxics / 1992
Cost-Effectiveness Study of Air Pollution Abatement in the Greater Kansas City Area. 1968
Cottonwood River survey, Emporia, Kansas / 1988
Dakota Aquifer Program : annual report, FY93 / 1993
Data analysis report, lidar investigation of visible emissions, Board of Public Utilities, Quindaro Station, Kansas City, Kansas [February 17-19, 1981] / 1981
Data Base for Plumes with Significant Plume and Background Particle Scattering. 1984
Delineation of flooding within the upper Mississippi River Basin, flood of July 10 and 27, 1993, in Kansas City Missouri, and Kansas City, Kansas, and vicinity 1997
Demonstrative model for identifying ground-water-management options in a contaminated aquifer / by Susan J. Colarullo, Manoutchehr Heidari, Thomas Maddock III. 1985
Depth and thickness of selected units in Upper Permian, Upper Jurassic, and Lower Cretaceous rocks in southwestern Kansas 1983
Description and evaluation of selected methods used to delineate wellhead-protection areas around public-supply wells near Mt. Hope, Kansas 1991
Description of geographic-information-system files containing water-resource-related data compiled and collected for Wyandotte County, Northeastern Kansas / 1993
Determination of Discharge-Frequency Relationships Utilizing Non-Linear Hydrographs and a Modified Rational Formula. 1973
Development and Evaluation of a Mathematical Model of the Lower Reaches of the Kansas River Drainage System. 1967
Development and Field Testing of a Basin Hydrology Simulator. 1973
Development of a Case Study of the Total Effect of Pesticides in the Environment, Non-Irrigated Croplands of the Mid-West. 1972
Digest of Water Pollution Control Legislation ...Kansas. 1958
Dimensionless Parameter Study of Groundwater Recharge. 1972
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