Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 301 - 350
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Kansas)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Kansas wetlands : a wildlife treasury / 1994
Kansas-Missouri floods of July 1951 1952
Land subsidence in central Kansas related to salt dissolution 1978
Leachability of Metals from Mineral Processing Waste. 2004
Lead analysis for Kansas City and Cincinnati 1977
Lead and cadmium exposure study : Galena, Kansas. 1996
List of open-file reports 1994
Local government's role in groundwater clean-up / 1993
Local planning guide for wetland and riparian areas in Kansas 1993
Location of sampling sites and available information on wells sampled in the Kansas Ground-Water-Quality Monitoring Network, 1976-80 / 1981
Low-flow frequency / 1960
Lower Missouri River Basin Water Pollution Investigation. A Cooperative State-Federal Report on Water Pollution. 1952
Magnitude and frequency of high flows of unregulated streams in Kansas / 1986
Management and Administration of Ground Water in Interstate and International Aquifers. Phase I. 1970
Management practices for wetlands and riparian areas / 1993
Map of ground water pollution potential, Finney County, Kansas [cartographic material] / 1987
Maps showing saturated thickness, January 1979, and percentage decrease in saturated thickness, 1950-79, of unconsolidated aquifer, west-central Kansas / 1980
Measurement of the Demand for Irrigation Water with Special Reference to Southwest Kansas. 1972
Measuring and computing natural ground-water recharge at sites in south-central Kansas 1987
Measuring the Status and Trends of Biological Resources in Kansas using Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program Probability Based Sampling Design (R-EMAP). 2002
Missouri Basin Region's Water Quality Planning Strategy. Planning Dossier. Second Edition. 1970
Missouri River flood plain atlas : Ponca, Nebraska, to the mouth: land uses, land cover and flood hazards. 1982
Mitigating wind induced truck crashes / 2010
Mo-Kan simply buy recycled directory. 1993
Modeling and Optimization of Transient Cooling Water Discharge from Power Generating Plants. 1973
Modeling assessment of 2017 prescribed grassland burning in the Flint Hills region. 2021
Moisture Use Estimation and Relationship Between Moisture Use and Nitrogen Response in Winter Wheat. 1970
Monitoring regional ground-water quality--statistical considerations and description of a monitoring network in Kansas 1991
Movement of moisture in the unsaturated zone in a loess-mantled area, southwestern Kansas 1977
Multisite lead and cadmium exposure study with biological markers incorporated. 1995
Municipal and Industrial Water Requirements, Big Hill Creek Reservoir, Big Hill Creek, Kansas. 1960
Municipal Water Facilities Inventory as of January 1, 1958. Volume 6. Region VI - Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota. 1960
National emissions data system point source inventory for the state of Kansas / 1973
National Emissions Data System Point Source Inventory for the State of Kansas. 1973
National Environmental/Energy Workforce Assessment. Kansas. 1977
National Environmental/Energy Workforce Assessment. National Summary. Volume Two: Iowa-Nebraska. 1977
National priorities list sites : Kansas. 1991
National priorities list sites : Kansas. 1992
National priorities list sites, Kansas. 1990
Nationwide urban runoff program, Kansas City Area Project : executive summary and technical summary / 1983
Net primary productivity and related parameters in Perry Reservoir, 4 June, 1973-10 August, 1973. 1973
No Further Remedial Action Planned (NFRAP) Sites on CERCLIS for Region 7: Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, Iowa. 1995
Nonpoint source pollution assessment. 1989
Numerical Modeling of Unsaturated Ground-Water Flow Including Effects of Evapotranspiration. 1972
Observed and simulated distribution of selected herbicides in silty loam, sandy loam, and clay soil profiles near Topeka, Kansas, 1986-88 1991
Occurrence and variability of mining-related lead and zinc in the Spring River flood plain and tributary flood plains, Cherokee County, Kansas, 2009-11 / 2013
Occurrence and Variability of Mining-Related Lead and Zinc in the Spring River Flood Plain and Tributary Flood Plains, Cherokee County, Kansas, 2009-11. 2013
Odor Survey of the Two Kansas Citys. 1965
Of Men and the River. Stream Pollution and Its Control in the Kansas River Basin. 1951
Opportunities for landfill gas energy recovery in Kansas : draft profiles of candidate landfills and current projects / 1997
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