Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 34
Showing: Items 1 - 34
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Kansas River)

Select Item Title Year Published
Biological Survey of the Kansas River Basin. 1966
Caring for the Kaw : a citizen's guide to protecting water quality / 1997
Chemical Water Quality on the Lower Kansas River Basin. 1966
Community Water Supply Study, Kansas City SMSA. 1970
Development and Evaluation of a Mathematical Model of the Lower Reaches of the Kansas River Drainage System. 1967
Effects of pumping municipal wells at Manhattan, Kansas, on streamflow in the Big Blue and Kansas Rivers, northeast Kansas, 1992-94 1997
Effects of reservoirs on flood discharges in the Kansas and the Missouri River basins, 1993 1994
Fishes of the Kansas River system in relation to zoogeography of the Great Plains, 1966
Further Investigation into the Water Quality Parameters used in the Lower Kansas River Basin Model. 1968
Geology and ground-water resources of Kansas River Valley between Wamego oand Topeka vicinity ... 1959
Ground- and surface-water interaction between the Kansas River and associated alluvial aquifer, northeastern Kansas / 1993
Kansas City Pollution Survey Using IR Detection Technique. 1961
Kansas River Basin Water Pollution Investigation. 1949
Kansas River Drainage Basin. A Cooperative State-Federal Report on Water Pollution. 1953
Of Men and the River. Stream Pollution and Its Control in the Kansas River Basin. 1951
Phytoplankton Found in the Kansas River System. 1969
Public Hearing Regarding 180-day Notice to the Santa Fe Land Improvement Company of Violation of State and Federal Water Quality Standards for the Interstate Waters of the Kansas and Missouri Rivers Held at Kansas City, Kansas on 13 July 1971. 1971
Recent Variations in Course and Regimen, Kansas River and Nearby Reaches of Missouri River. 1970
Reconnaissance survey of the Lower Kansas River, Kansas / 1971
Report of Water Pollution in the Kansas River Basin. 1953
Report on Proposed Stream Pollution Studies of the Kansas River with Recommendations on the Procedure to be Adopted. 1921
Report on The Missouri River Basin for the President's Water Resources Policy Commission. 1950
Study of Potential Needs and Value of Water Storage for Municipal, Industrial, and Water Quality Control Purposes 1964
Surface water-quality assessment of the lower Kansas River basin, Kansas and Nebraska analysis of available water-quality data through 1986 / 1991
Surface-water-quality assessment of the lower Kansas River basin, Kansas and Nebraska : results of investigations, 1987-90 / 1996
Surface-water-quality assessment of the lower Kansas River Basin, Kansas and Nebraska : selected metals, arsenic, and phosphorus in streambed sediments of first-and second-order streams, 1987 / 1996
Surface-water-quality assessment of the lower Kansas River Basin, Kansas and Nebraska : suspended-sediment conditions, May 1987 through April 1990, and trends, 1963 through April 1990 / 1995
The Kaw : the heart of a nation / 1941
Water Pollution Surveillance System. Volume 7. Missouri River Basin. 1963
Water Quality and Time of Travel Investigations in the Lower Kansas River Basin. 1967
Water Quality and Waste Source Investigations Missouri River and Kansas River, Kansas City, Kansas. 1973
Water Quality and Waste Source Investigations. Missouri River and Kansas River, Kansas City, Kansas. 1973
Water quality index application in the Kansas River Basin. 1974
Water Resources Study, Milford Reservoir Project, Kansas River Basin, Kansas. Study of Potential Needs and Value of Water Storage for Municipal, Industrial and Quality Control Purposes. 1964

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