Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 182
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Select Item Title Year Published
Adaptive environmental management : a practitioner's guide / 2009
AGWA (Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment) Design Documentation: Migrating to ArcGis(Trade Name) and the Internet. 2005
Algorithms of oppression : how search engines reinforce racism / 2018
Annual report ... : integration error correction, setting the record straight- an e-government service / 2000
Assessment of Existing Linkages with Local Communities Among Potential Research Sites for the National Children's Study. Final Report and White Paper. 2004
At a Glance : EPA Reported Its Fiscal Year 2017 Second Quarter Financial and Award Data in Accordance With the DATA Act. 2017
Bioinformatics methods and protocols / 2000
BIOSCREEN natural attenuation decision support system, user's manual / {computer file} : 1996
Bioterrorism and public health : an Internet resource guide / 2002
Building library 3.0 : issues in creating a culture of participation / 2009
CHEMFLO : one-dimensional water and chemical movement in unsaturated soils / 1989
Chemical guide to the Internet 1996
Chemical guide to the Internet. 1999
Coatings Guide(TradeName): An Online Information Resource. 2001
Conducting research surveys via e-mail and the web / 2002
Conservation in the Internet age : threats and opportunities / 2002
Content rules : how to create killer blogs, podcasts, videos, ebooks, webinars (and more) that engage customers and ignite your business / 2011
Content strategy for the Web / 2012
Copyright in cyberspace : questions and answers for librarians / 2001
Cyber warfare : techniques, tactics and tools for security practitioners / 2011
CyberSearch : research techniques in the electronic age / 1998
Cybersecurity and cyberwar : what everyone needs to know / 2014
Data quality : the field guide / 2001
Dictionary of computer and internet terms / 2013
Dictionary of computer and Internet terms. 1996
Digital government : building a 21st century platform to better serve the American people. 2012
Digital government : principles and best practices / 2004
Digital habitats : stewarding technology for communities / 2009
Digital libraries : universal access to human knowledge ; report to the President / 2001
Directory of electronic journals, newsletters and academic discussion lists 1995
Directory of environmental websites on the Internet. 2000
Domino 5 Web programming with XML, Java, and JavaScript / 2000
E-government 2003 / 2003
E-government @ EPA : accelerating our progress using new information technology / 2004
E-Writing : 21st-century tools for effective communication / 2001
Economic impact analysis for the proposed polyether polyols NESHAP. 1997
Effective blogging for libraries / 2010
Electronic scientific, technical, and medical journal publishing and its implications : report of a symposium / 2004
Emission factor & inventory group internet access. 1998
Enterprise 2.0 : new collaborative tools for your organization's toughest challenges / 2009
Environmental guide to the Internet 1997
Environmental guide to the internet 1995
Environmental guide to the Internet / 1996
Environmental guide to the Internet. 1998
EPA Has Taken Steps to Address Cyber Threats but Key Actions Remain Incomplete. Audit Report. 2011
EPA Reported Its Fiscal Year 2017 Second Quarter Financial and Award Data in Accordance With the DATA Act / 2017
EPA water program information systems compendium : tools for making water program decisions. 1998
Evaluating internet resources : a checklist / 2000
Evaluating the Content of Web Sites: Guidelines for Educators. 1999
Extending digital dividends : public goods and services that work for all. 2002
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