Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A demonstration of thermal water utilization in agriculture / 1974
A planned maintenance management system for municipal wastewater treatment plants / 1973
Abstracts of Technical Papers and Poster Presentations, Water Reuse Symposium Held at Washington, DC. on March 25-30, 1979. 1979
Addendum to the development document for proposed effluent limitation guidelines and new source performance standards for the synthetic resins segment of the plastics and synthetics manufacturing point source category / 1974
Advanced Nonthermally Polluting Gas Turbines in Utility Applications. 1971
Alaska Petrochemical Company refinery and petrochemical facility, Valdez, Alaska : final environmental impact statement / 1980
Alternatives to Methanol-Water Elution of Solid-Phase Extraction Columns for the Fractionation of High Log K(sub ow) Organic Compounds in Aqueous Environmental Samples. 1993
An economic analysis of industrial water costs on the Contra Costa Canal / 1962
Analysis of effluent data from the crushed stone industry / 1984
Analytical Interdisciplinary Evaluation of the Utilization of the Water Resources of the Rio Grande in New Mexico. 1973
Analytical methods for the determination of pollutants in pharmaceutical manufacturing industry wastewater. 1995
Analytical methods for trace metals. 1976
Annual Report (7th) Water Resources Research Center. Report of Activities Supported by the Graduate School and the Office of Water Resources Research U. S. Department of the Interior During the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1971. 1971
Assessment of potential toxic releases from leather industry dyeing operations / 1978
Availability of water in the United States with special reference to industrial needs by 1980 / 1957
AWWA standard for ammonium sulfate. 1990
AWWA standard for copper sulfate : American national standard. 1991
AWWA standard for copper sulfate. 1997
Becoming a WAVE supporter. 1995
Becoming a WAVE supporter. 2000
Behavior and Identification of Toxic Metals in Complex Mixtures: Examples from Effluent and Sediment Pore Water Toxicity Identification Evaluations. 1993
Betz handbook of industrial water conditioning. 1962
Biological effects once-through cooling : / 1978
Blast furnaces : an industrial waste guide to the blast furnace department of the steel industry. 1951
Changing water use in selected manufacturing industries : a report submitted to the U.S. Army Engineer Institute for Water Resources / 1974
Chemical analysis of industrial water, 1969
Clean water report for southwestern Wyoming : technical report / 1977
Cleaner water through conservation. 1995
Combined Cooling and Bio-Treatment of Beet Sugar Factory Condenser Water Effluent. 1971
Combined reverse osmosis and freeze concentration of bleach plant effluents / 1978
Commercial and institutional end uses of water 2000
Comparison of Effluent Toxicity Results Using 'Ceriodaphnia dubia' Cultured on Several Diets. 1993
Compendium reports on oil shale technology / 1979
Contractor Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines for the Explosives Manufacturing Point Source Category. 1981
Contractors report for effluent guidelines (BATEA), new source performance standards, and pretreatment standards for the paving, roofing and flooring (tar and asphalt) categories 1995
Control of waste and water pollution from coal-fired power plants; R & D report. 1978
Control of waste and water pollution from power plant flue gas cleaning systems : first annual R and D report / 1976
Cooling impoundments : / 1978
Cost effectiveness analysis of effluent guidelines and standards for the aluminum forming industry. 1983
Cost estimates methodology for once-through cooling water discharge modifications / 1976
Cost-Benefit Analysis and Water Pollution Policy. 1975
Cost-effectiveness analysis of municipal wastewater reuse / 1975
Costs of Wastewater Renovation. 1971
Current Practice in GC-MS Analysis of Organics in Water. 1973
Dairy CEO's: Do You Have a $500 Million Opportunity. 1989
Demonstration of Industrial Water Renovation Plant at Odessa, Texas. 1968
Description of possible options for allowing remining activities in the context of TMDL requirements : final / 2000
Determination of Water Use in Rockford and Kankakee Areas, Illinois. 1990
Development document for advanced notice of proposed or promulgated rulemaking for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the bleached kraft, groundwood, sulfite, soda, deink, and non-integrated paper mills segment of the pulp, paper, and paperboard mills point source category. 1975
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines : and new source performance standards for the cement manufacturing category. 1974
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