Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 265
Showing: Items 251 - 265
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Glass)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Toxicological profile for synthetic vitreous fibers : draft / 2002
Transportation Rates and Costs for Selected Virgin and Secondary Commodities. 1974
Use of domestic waste glass for urban paving / 1973
Use of domestic waste glass for urban paving : summary report / 1975
Use of Sodium Sulfate Separated from Agricultural Drainage Water in Glass Making. Final Report. 2006
Utilisation de dechets de carrieres et de verre usage = Use of quarry wastes or waste glass / 1981
Validation of an Emission Measurement Method for Inorganic Arsenic from Stationary Sources: Proposed Method 108. Laboratory and Field Test Evaluation. 1984
Vermillion County Solid Waste Management System Analysis. 1974
Vitrification of Municipal Solid Waste Combustion Air Pollution Control Residues Using Corning, Inc. Process. 1994
Vitrification technologies for treatment of hazardous and radioactive waste. 1992
Waste audit study stone, clay, glass, and concrete products industries / 1993
Waste glass as a flux for brick clays 1972
Waste Heat Recovery Potential in Selected Industries. 1981
Waste Minimization Opportunity Assessment Optical Fabrication Laboratory, Fitzsimmons Army Medical Center, Denver, Colorado. 1991
Water Resistant Polymer Coatings for Water Soluble Glass Packaging Containers. Progress Report No. 4. Design and Evaluation of a Water Disposable Glass Packaging Container. 1971
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