Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Glass)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Environmental Considerations of Selected Energy-Conserving Manufacturing Process Options. Volume XVII. Nitrogen Oxides Summary Report. 1979
Environmental Considerations of Selected Energy-Conserving Manufacturing Process Options. Volume XVIII. Particulates Summary Report. 1979
Environmental Considerations of Selected Energy-Conserving Manufacturing Process Options. Volume XX: Toxics/Organics. 1979
EPA Office of Compliance Sector Notebook Project : profile of the stone, clay, glass, and concrete products industry. 1995
EPA Technology Transfer Capsule Report: Fabric Filter Particulate Control on Coal-Fired Utility Boilers: Nucla, Co. and Sunbury, Pa. 1976
Evaluation of the Impact of Discriminatory Taxation on the Use of Primary and Secondary Raw Materials. 1975
Evaluation, extraction, and recycling of certain solid waste components / 1972
Experimental Determination of Acoustic and Structural Behavior of Wall Panel-Cavity Configurations Exposed to Sonic Booms. 1970
Fabric filter model format change / 1979
Fabric filter model sensitivity analysis / 1979
Feasibility of Fabric Filter as Gas-Solid Contactor to Control Gaseous Pollutants. 1970
Fiber Deposition Along Airway Walls: Effects of Fiber Cross-Section on Rotational Interception. 1993
Fiberglass-reinforced plastic pressure vessels. 0
Field Method for the Determination of Lead in Glass Used for Shielding Television Receiver Components. 1969
Filter Media for Collecting Diesel Particulate Matter. 1981
Filtration characteristics of glass fiber filter at elevated temperatures / 1976
Filtration model for coal fly ash with glass fabrics / 1977
Final report on development of methods for preparing particulate standards 1982
Final Response to BDAT Related Comments Document. D004: Characteristic Wastes for Arsenic and K, P, and U Wastes Containing Arsenic and D010: Characteristic Wastes for Selenium. Volume 1-E. 1990
Foam glass insulation from waste glass / 1977
Forecasting the Composition and Weight of Household Solid Wastes Using Input-Output Techniques. Volume II. 1976
Generation and management of CESQG waste. 1994
Geology and glass sand resources, central Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma / 1945
Georgia Recycling Fact Sheet and Directory. 1988
Glass containers : sub-council report / 1971
Glass electrodes for hydrogen and other cations; principles and practice, 1967
Glass manufacturing plants : background information for promulgated standards of performance / 1980
Glass manufacturing plants : background information, proposed standards of performance / 1979
Glass markets information system : application summary reports / 1992
Glass Markets Information System: Application Records. 1992
Glass reinforced plastics. 1970
Glass wool from waste glass, 1972
Greater Egypt Region Solid Waste Management System Analysis. 1974
Guides to pollution prevention : the fiberglass-reinforced and composite plastics industry. 1991
Handbook of glass properties / 1986
Health assessment document for inorganic arsenic : final report. 1984
Identification and characterization of the use of mixed conventional and waste fuels / 1975
Impact of Natural Gas Shortage on Major Industrial Fuel Burning Installations. Volume III. Appendix: Summary and Analysis of Fuel-Burning Characteristics of MFBIs. 1977
Inertial cascade impactor substrate media for flue gas sampling / 1977
Infrared Spectral Sensor for Refuse Sorting. 1974
Initial economic impact analysis of water pollution control costs upon the fiber glass industry / 1972
Inorganic arsenic emissions from glass manufacturing plants : background information for promulgated standards / 1986
Inorganic arsenic emissions from glass manufacturing plants : background information for proposed standards / 1983
Integrity of VOA-Vial seals 2000
Investigation of filter media for use in the determination of mass concentrations of ambient particulate matter {microform} / 1984
Investigation of the Potential Antimicrobial Efficacy of Sealants Used in HVAC Systems. 2000
Laboratory scientific glassblowing : a practical training method / 2017
Locating and estimating air emissions from sources of lead and lead compounds. 1998
Macon County - Solid Waste Management System Analysis. 1974
Man-made vitreous fibres. 2002
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