Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 41
Showing: Items 1 - 41
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Food Habits)

Select Item Title Year Published
Aflatoxin Bl Induced Hepatic Neoplasia in Great Lakes Coho Salmon. 1988
American wildlife & plants : a guide to wildlife food habits : the use of trees, shrubs, weeds, and herbs by birds and mammals of the United States / 1961
Beyond beef : the rise and fall of the cattle culture / 1992
Biology of nutrition: the evolution and nature of living systems; the organisation and nutritional methods of life forms. 1972
Biology of suspension feeding, 1966
Comprehensive Program for the Evaluation of Artificial Diets. 1993
Diet, nutrition, and cancer / 1982
Dietary consumption distributions of selected food groups for the U.S. population. 1980
Discussion course on choices for sustainable living. 1998
Distribution and abundance of waterfowl and submerged aquatic vegetation in Chesapeake Bay 1982
Ecologic Impacts of Wading Birds on the Aquatic Environment. 1971
Ecological Study of the Missouri River Prior to Channelization. 1974
Effects of Saline Waters Upon Survival of Fish Eggs and Larvae and Upon the Ecology of the Fathead Minnow in North Dakota. 1972
Environmental Assessment of Buccaneer Gas and Oil Field in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico, 1975-1980. Volume II. Fishes and Macro-Crustaceans/Biofouling Communities. 1980
Fast food nation : the dark side of the all-American meal / 2001
Feeding Ecology of Atlantic Menhaden ('Brevoortia tyrannus') in Chesapeake Bay. 2007
Feeding tomorrow's world 1990
Food Commodity Intake Database (FCID) (Raw Data File on CD-ROM). 2000
Food habits and radionuclide tissue concentrations of Nevada desert bighorn sheep 1972-1973 / 1976
Food marketing to children and youth : threat or opportunity? / 2006
Food revolution : how your diet can help save your life and our world / 2001
Food Selection and Feeding Relationships of Yellow Perch 'Perca flavescens' (Mitchell), White Bass 'Morone chrysops' (Rafinesque), Freshwater Drum 'Aplodinotus grunniens' (Rafinesque), and Goldfish 'Carassius auratus' (Linneaus) in Western Lake Erie. 1975
Food waste : home consumption, material culture and everyday life / 2014
From field to fork : food ethics for everyone / 2015
In defense of food : an eater's manifesto / 2008
In defense of food : an eater's manifesto / 2009
Influence of advanced wastewater treatment on the fishery resource of Shagawa Lake, Minnesota / 1980
Kitchen literacy : how we lost knowledge of where food comes from and why we need to get it back / 2008
Pilot Study on Nutrition and Health. 1978
Planeat 2011
Plate full of color / 2006
Predation of a Spawning Atherinid Fish, 'Menidia menidia', by Avian and Aquatic Predators. 1984
Role of Organic Debris and Associated Microorganisms in Pelagic Estuarine Food Chains. 1972
Salt, sugar, fat : how the food giants hooked us / 2013
Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Foraging Success for Fishes in an Illinois Stream. 1985
The omnivore's dilemma : a natural history of four meals / 2006
Through the eyes of the eagle / 2006
Tricky treats / 2006
Underfed and overfed : the global epidemic of malnutrition / 2000
Waste matters : new perspectives of food and society / 2013
[Award-winning chef Andrea Reusing] / 2013

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