Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Fluoridation)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Adequacy of the Water Flouridation Control Program in South Dakota. An Evaluation of Water Fluoridation at Selected Water Supply Systems in the State of South Dakota. 1973
Adequacy of the Water Fluoridation Control Program in South Dakota : an Evaluation of Water Fluoridation at Selected Water Supply Systems in the State of South Dakota / 1973
Affordable drinking water treatment for public water systems contaminated by excess levels of natural fluoride : research report / 1992
Analysis of costs for the treatment of dental fluorosis / 1987
Analytical reference service training program : water fluoride / 1958
AWWA standard for fluorosilicic acid. 1994
AWWA standard for hydrofluosilicic acid. 1989
Better Health for 5 to 14 Cents a Year Through Fluoridated Water. 1951
Cincinnati report : fluoridation of the water supply in the prophylaxis of dental caries. 1951
Classification and appraisal of objections to fluoridation 1960
Comment-response summary report for the peer review of the Fluoride, exposure and relative source contribution analysis, document [electronic resource]. 2010
Evaluation of the Colorado Water Supply Program 1974
Evaluation of the Colorado Water Supply Program. 1974
Evaluation of the Connecticut water supply program. 1974
Evaluation of the Florida Water Supply Program. 1973
Evaluation of the Ohio Water Supply Program. 1972
Fact sheet : fluoride in drinking water. 1993
Fluoridation 1972
Fluoridation : the great dilemma / 1978
Fluoridation as a public health measure. 1954
Fluoridation census. 0
Fluoridation engineering manual / 1974
Fluoridation Engineering Manual. 1972
Fluoridation engineering manual. 1972
Fluoride : the aging factor / 1983
Fluoride analytical procedures : student manual. 1976
Fluoride deception 2004
Fluoride Determinations in Water. 1971
Fluoride dose-response analysis for non-cancer effects. [electronic resource] : 2010
Fluoride exposure and relative source contribution analysis. [electronic resource] : 2010
Fluoride in drinking water : a scientific review of EPA's standards / 2006
Fluoride in drinking water : a scientific review of EPA's standards / 2006
Fluoride in drinking-water / 2006
Fluoride in waters, effluents, sludges, plants and soils 1982. 1983
Fluoride question : panacea or poison? / 1975
Fluoride reduction in community water supplies / 1977
Health Effects of Ingested Fluoride. 1993
Idaho water supply program evaluation. 1973
Literature review of water borne fluoride : effect on the environment of man. 0
Ozone for Trace Organic Contaminant Removal. 1990
Point-of-use treatment of drinking water in San Ysidro / 1990
Public notification handbook for public water systems. 1989
Removal of excess fluoride from drinking water / 1978
Removal of fluorides from industrial wastewaters using activated alumina / 1980
Report of a citizens community health committee recommending "fluoridation of the city of Cincinnati water supply." 1951
Review of fluoride benefits and risks : report of the Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Fluoride of the Committee to Coordinate Environmental Health and Related Programs. 1991
Review of literature on removal of fluoride from drinking water : draft report / 2002
Role of fluoride in public health the soundness of fluoridation of communal water supplies; a selected bibliography, 1963
Role of Fluoride in Public Health. The Soundness of Fluoridation of Communal Water Supplies. A Selected Bibliography. 1963
School water supply fluoridation / 1975
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