Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1978 needs survey : conveyance and treatment of municipal wastewater summaries of technical data. 1979
A pressure sewer system demonstration / 1972
A study of nitrate respiration in the activated sludge process / 1980
A study on the accuracy of type-S pitot tubes / 1977
Absorption of SO2 by Alkaline Solutions in Venturi Scrubber Systems. 1973
Action leakage rates for leak detection systems : supplemental background document for the final double liners and leak detection systems rule for hazardous waste landfills, waste piles, and surface impoundments. 1992
Activated Sludge Quality and Process Balance. 1995
Adsorption of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons from Seawater by a Crosslinked Polymer. 1972
Adsorption of odorous pollutants by active manganese dioxide / 1974
Aerobic Secondary Treatment of Plywood Glue Wastes. 1973
Air Velocities inside Domestic Environments: An Important Parameter in the Study of Indoor Air Quality and Climate. 1987
Ammonia Stripping Mathematical Model for Waste Water Treatment. 1968
Application guide for measurement of PM2.5 at stationary sources / 1990
Application guide for source PM10 measurement with constant sampling rate 1989
Application guide for the source PM10 exhaust gas recycle sampling system / 1989
Application of Analog Computer for Streamflow Synthesis. Phase I. 1971
Area and Point Source Inventories in the States of Alaska, Idaho and Washington. 1974
Assessment of instrumentation for monitoring coal flowrate and composition / 1979
Automated Water Monitoring Instrument for Phosphorus Contents. 1973
Basic Study of Air Pollution Control Wet Scrubbers. 1961
Basic Waste Characteristics at Winter Recreation Areas. 1969
Biological Removal of Colloidal Matter from Wastewater. 1973
Borehole sensing methods for ground-water investigations at hazardous waste sites / 1986
Calibration of a 90 Degrees V-notch weir using parameters other than upstream head / 1980
Cape Cod Waste Water Renovation and Retrieval System. A Study of Water Treatment and Conservation. Interim Report June 11, 1975-June 10, 1976. 1976
Carbon Column Operation in Waste Water Treatment. 1970
Cartridge Filtration for Iron and Manganese Removal. 1971
Case Studies of Hazardous Waste Treatment to Remove Volatile Organics. Volume 1. 1987
Characterization of the Activated Sludge Process. 1973
Characterizing and controlling urban runoff through street and sewerage cleaning / 1985
Chemical Time-Series Sampling. 1982
Chronic Respiratory Effects of Indoor Formaldehyde Exposure. 1990
Closed-cycle textile dyeing : full-scale hyperfiltration demonstration (design) / 1980
Colloidal FE2O3 Transport Studies in Laboratory Model Systems Using Shallow Aquifer Material. 1991
Combined sewer overflow abatement plan, Des Moines, Iowa / 1974
Combined sewer overflow sediment transport model : documentation and evaluation / 1985
Combined sewer overflow treatment by screening and terminal ponding : Fort Wayne, Indiana / 1979
Compact sampling system for collection of particulates from stationary sources / 1974
Comparing Constant-Rate and Declining-Rate Direct Filtration of a Surface Water. 1986
Computer and Physical Models for Solving Subsurface Problems in Hydrology. 1971
Considerations in Selecting Conveyors for Solid Waste Applications. 1982
Constant volume sampling system water condensation / 1993
Constant Volume Sampling System Water Condensation. SAE Technical Paper Series. 1994
Continuous measurement of total gas flowrate from stationary sources / 1975
Contributions from the Sanitary Research Laboratory and Sewage Experiment Station. Volume X. Studies on the Digestion of a Sewage-Filter Efluent by a Small and Otherwise Unpolluted Stream. 1917
Control characteristics of carbon beds for gasoline vapor emmissions / 1977
Control strategies for the activated sludge process / 1980
Conveyance, treatment, and control of municipal wastewater, combined sewer overflows, and stormwater runoff : summaries of technical data / 1983
Cost of Land Treatment Sytems. 1979
Data Report. Arkansas-Red River Basins Water Quality Conservation Project. 1959
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