Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 22
Showing: Items 1 - 22

Select Item Title Year Published
Air pollution solutions 1992
Assessment of changes in reported TRI releases and transfers between 1989 and 1990 : executive summary / 1993
Assessment of changes in reported TRI releases and transfers between 1989 and 1990 : final report / 1993
Environmental monitoring near industrial sites : acrylamide, CH2=CHCONH2. 1978
Environmental monitoring near industrial sites : acrylonitrile / 1979
Environmental monitoring near industrial sites : acrylonitrile / 1978
Environmental monitoring near industrial sites : brominated chemicals / 1978
Environmental monitoring near industrial sites : chromium / 1977
Environmental monitoring near industrial sites : methylchloroform. 1977
Environmental monitoring near industrial sites : polychloronaphthalenes / 1977
Environmental monitoring near industrial sites : trichloroethylene. 1977
Environmental monitoring near industrial sites : [beta]-chloroethers / 1978
Estimation methods used for TRI reporting 1993
Making the difference using the right-to-know in the fight against toxics / 1990
Making the difference, part II more uses of right-to-know in the fight against toxics / 1991
Risk communication and community right-to-know a four community study of SARA Title III / 1991
Sampling and analysis of selected toxic substances : task I, acrylamide. 1979
Sampling and analysis of selected toxic substances : task I, vinylidene chloride. 1977
Support documentation for the SARA Title III, sections 313/322 toxicity matrix 1988
TRI (Toxic Release Inventory) reporting at federal government-owned, contractor-operated facilities (GOCO's) : 1990-1993. 1996
Troubled waters major sources of toxic water pollution / 1993
Trust us, don't track us an investigation of the chemical industry's "responsible care" campaign / 1992

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