Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 2790
Showing: Items 401 - 450
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Environmental Monitoring)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Chlorinated wastewater effluents / 1993
Chlorobenzene 1992
Choices in monitoring wetlands / 1991
Chromium and its compounds 1994
Citizen enforcement : tools for effective participation : capacity building support document for environmental compliance and enforcement programs / 1998
Citizen volunteers in environmental monitoring : summary proceedings of a national workshop. 1988
Citizen volunteers in environmental monitoring : Summary proceedings of the 2d National Workshop. 1989
Citizens, science, watershed partnerships, and sustainability : the case in Minnesota. 1998
Classification of Binary Mass Spectra of Toxic Compounds with an Inductive Expert System and Comparison with SIMCA Class Modeling (Journal Version). 1988
Classification of Environmental Hydrologic Behaviors in the Northeastern United States. 1993
Clean Air Act : emerging mercury control technologies have shown promising results, but data on long-term performance are limited : report to congressional requesters / 2005
Clean air act : EPA has completed most of the actions required by the 1990 amendments, but many were completed late : report to congressional requestors / 2005
Clean air act : observations on EPA's cost-benefit analysis of its mercury control options : report to congressional requestors / 2005
Clean air status and trends network deposition summary report (1987-1995). 1998
Clean water action plan : Coastal Research and Monitoring Strategy / 2000
Clean Water Action Plan : coastal research and monitoring strategy / 2000
Clean water action plan : Coastal Research and Monitoring Strategy / 2000
Clean water action plan : coastal research and monitoring strategy. 2000
Clean water action plan coastal research and monitoring strategy / {electronic resource} : 2000
Climate change indicators in the United States, 2016 / 2016
Climate Data and Analysis for the New England Forest Health Monitoring Project (NEFHM/EMAP Forests). 1991
CME training system / 1996
Coastal 2000 Northeast Component: Field Operations Manual. 2000
Coastal monitoring and the Bay of Fundy : proceedings of the Maritime Atlantic Ecozone Science Workshop, held in St. Andrews, New Brunswick, (November 11-15, 1997) / 1998
Coastal monitoring through partnerships : proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP), Pensacola Beach, FL, U.S.A., April 24-27, 2001 / 2003
Coastal water resources : AWRA 2002 Spring Specialty Conference proceedings : May 13-15, 2002, New Orleans, Louisiana. 2002
Coastal wetlands indicator study : EMAP-estuaries Louisianian Province - 1991 / 1995
Coding manual for the quality assurance performance audit for aerometric data / 1976
Cold weather plume study / 1986
Collaborative study of method 10 - reference method for determination of carbon monoxide emissions from stationary sources - report of testing / 1975
Collaborative study of method 104 - reference method for determination of beryllium emission from stationary sources / 1974
Collaborative study of method for determination of stack gas velocity and volumetric flow rate in conjunction with EPA method 5 / 1974
Collaborative study of method for stack gas analysis and determination of moisture fraction with use of Method 5 / 1974
Collaborative study of method for the determination of nitrogen oxide emissions from stationary sources (fossil fuel-fired steam generators) / 1973
Collaborative study of method for the determination of particulate matter emissions from stationary sources (fossil fuel-fired steam generators) / 1974
Collaborative study of method for the determination of particulate matter emissions from stationary sources (municipal incinerators) / 1974
Collaborative study of method for the determination of particulate matter emissions from stationary sources (Portland cement plants) / 1974
Collaborative study of method for the determination of sulfur dioxide emissions from stationary sources (fossil fuel-fired steam generators) / 1973
Collaborative study of the toxicity characteristics leaching procedure (TCLP). 1987
Collaborative study of the toxicity characteristics leaching procedure (TCLP). {Microfiche} 1987
Collaborative study reference method for measurement of photochemical oxidants in the atmosphere (ozone-ehtylene chemiluminescent method) / 1975
Collaborative test of the TGS-ANSA method for measurement of nitrogen dioxide in ambient air / 1974
Collaborative testing of methods for measurements of N02 in ambient air : volume 1 - report of testing / 1974
Collection and Chemical Analysis of Lichens for Biomonitoring. 1991
Combining environmental information : environmetric research in ecological monitoring, epidemiology, toxicology, and environmental data reporting / 1994
Combining Environmental Information. 1996
Combustion modification controls for stationary gas turbine / 1982
Combustion modification controls for stationary gas turbine / 1981
Comment on 'Changes in the Chemistry of Surface Waters' by C. T. Driscoll et al. 1989
Commentary on anticipatory research program / 1992
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