Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 351 - 400
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Environmental Monitoring)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Carcinogen-DNA adducts : introduction, literature summary, and recommendations / 1987
Cartographic and Geometric Components of a Global Sampling Design for Environmental Monitoring. 1992
Case study of a marine discharge : comparison of effluent and receiving water toxicity / 1989
Case Study: Multipollutant Indoor Air Quality Study of 300 Homes in Kingston/Harriman, Tennessee. 1990
Casing pull tests for directionally drilled environmental wells / 1994
CASTNet : National Dry Deposition Network 1990-1992 status report / 1995
CASTNet : National Dry Deposition Network 1990-1992 status report : project summary. 1995
Catalog of Federal pesticide monitoring activities in effect July 1973 / 1975
CEQA deskbook 1999
Challenges in Wetland Restoration and Creation (Book Chapter). 1994
Characteristics of Sewage Sludge from the Northern New Jersey-New York Area, August 1988. 1988
Characterization of organic constituent patterns at a produced water discharge site/barium relations to bioeffects of produced water : final technical summary, final technical report / 1997
Characterization, monitoring, and sensor technology crosscutting program technology summary. 1995
Characterization, monitoring, and sensor technology crosscutting program technology summary. 1996
Characterization, monitoring, and sensor technology integrated program (CMST-IP) technology summary. 1994
Chehalis best management practices evaluation project : final report for water quality sites / 2002
Chemical and radiation environmental risk management at the crossroads : case studies / 2001
Chemical characterization of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon degradation products from sampling artifacts / 1987
Chemical Contaminants in House Dust: Occurrences and Sources. 1993
Chemical hazards in the workplace : measurement and control : based on a symposium sponsored by the Division of Chemical Health and Safety at the Second Chemical Congress of the North American Continent (180th ACS National Meeting), Las Vegas, Nevada, August 25-28, 1980 / 1981
Chemical safety information sources = Securite des substances chimiques : sources d'information. 1984
Chemicals in the environment : distribution, transport, fate, analysis / 1980
Chemicals in the environment, Pacific and Yukon Region 1985
Chemistry of precipitation from sequentially sampled storms / 1980
Chemistry of Wilderness Lakes in the Western United States. 1987
Chemosphere. 1972
Chesapeake Bay basin monitoring program atlas / 1989
Chesapeake Bay basinwide monitoring strategy : from airsheds to living resource populations : workplan for the development of a framework for integrating ongoing, planned, and future monitoring across the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem in support of Bay restoration and protection / 1996
Chesapeake Bay Basinwide Toxics Reduction Strategy: An Agreement Commitment Report from the Chesapeake Executive Council. 1988
Chesapeake Bay Basinwide Toxics Reduction Strategy: An Agreement Commitment Report from the Chesapeake Executive Council. Appendices A, B, and C. 1988
Chesapeake Bay citizen monitoring program report Conestoga River : (October 1986 - June 1990). 1992
Chesapeake Bay Citizen Monitoring Program Report, July 1985-October 1988. 1989
Chesapeake Bay Citizen Monitoring Program Report. Appendix 2. Data Listing by Site. July 1985-October 1988. 1989
Chesapeake Bay Executive Council Directive: Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Goals. 1993
Chesapeake Bay living resources monitoring plan : annual progress report / 1990
Chesapeake Bay Living Resources Monitoring Plan. First Annual Progress Report. 1990
Chesapeake Bay Mainstem Monitoring Program Statistical and Analytical Support Contract: Final Report - Volume I 1987
Chesapeake Bay Mainstem Monitoring Program Statistical and Analytical Support Contract: Final Report - Volume II 1987
Chesapeake Bay management program : research and monitoring : a summary of research interests/capabilities 1970
Chesapeake Bay Program : executive summary. 1982
Chesapeake Bay quarterly noncompliance report. 0
Chesapeake Bay watershed development policies and guidelines : an agreement commitment report from the Chesapeake Executive Council. 1989
Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model. Application and Calculation of Nutrient and Sediment Loadings. Appendix E: Phase 4 Watershed Land Use and Model Linkages to the Airshed and Estuarine Models. 1997
Chesapeake Bay Wetlands Initiative for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region III. 1997
Chesapeake wetlands : the vital link between the watershed and the Bay / 1997
Children's Environmental Health : Research Roadmap. 2015
Children's health and the environment in North America : a first report on available indicators and measures / 2006
Chlorinated paraffins / 1993
Chlorinated paraffins : report on the findings from two field studies : Sugar Creek, Ohio and Tinkers Creek, Ohio / 1988
Chlorinated Paraffins: A Report on the Findings from Two Field Studies, Sugar Creek, Ohio, Tinkers Creek, Ohio. Volume 2. Appendix D, The Quality Assurance Project Plan. 1988
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