Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 36
Showing: Items 1 - 36
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Energy supplies)

Select Item Title Year Published
Aatgaerder mot klimatfoeraendringar. (Measures against climatic change). 1992
Alternative fuels for automotive transportation - a feasibility study/ 1974
Alternative Fuels for Automotive Transportation. A Feasibility Study. Volume II. Technical Section. 1974
Analytical Studies for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Volume VI. Implications of Environmental Regulations for Energy Production and Consumption. 1977
Assessment of the Environmental Implications of Project Independence. 1976
Comparative assessment of residential energy supply systems that use fuel cells : (executive summary) / 1979
Comparative assessment of residential energy supply systems that use fuel cells : (technical report) / 1979
Economic analysis of coal supply in the Ohio River Basin energy study region 1980
Electrical energy as an alternate to clean fuels for stationary sources / 1976
EMTS conversion tool (ECT) : user's guide : version 1.5 / 2011
EMTS flow configuration document / 2011
EMTS transaction instructions / 2012
EMTS transaction instructions. 2011
EMTS user's guide / 2010
EMTS user's guide / 2010
EMTS user's guide / 2011
EMTS user's guide / 2010
EMTS user's guide / 2010
EMTS user's guide / 2010
EMTS user's guide / 2012
EMTS User's Guide, April 2012. 2012
EMTS User's Guide, March 2010. 2010
Energy Supply, Demand/Need and the Gaps Between. Volume I. An Overview. 1974
Energy Supply, Demand/Need and the Gaps Between. Volume II. Monograph, Working Papers and Appendix Papers. 1974
EPA Moderated Transaction System (EMTS): Flow Configuration Document Version: 1.0.1. 2001
Gasoline and Distillate Shortage Situation: 1972-1976. 1976
Impact of natural gas curtailments on electric utility plants ... / 1975
Impact of Natural Gas Shortage on Major Industrial Fuel-Burning Installations. Volume I. Text. 1977
Impact of Natural Gas Shortage on Major Industrial Fuel-Burning Installations. Volume II. Schedules (Data and Tables). 1977
Impacts of synthetic liquid fuel development : automotive market, volume I, summary / 1976
Implementation Plan Review for South Carolina: Appendices. 1975
Integrated EMTS conversion tool (ECT) user guide / 2013
MARKAL scenario analyses of technology options for the electric sector the impact on air quality / [electronic resource] : 2006
Particulate control mobile test units : third year's operation / 1978
Physical coal cleaning for utility boiler SO2 emission / 1978
Summary of EPA Energy Policy Analysis. 1975

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