Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 50
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Emulsions)

Select Item Title Year Published
Air quality and energy conservation benefits from using emulsions to replace asphalt cutbacks in certain paving operations / 1978
Application of Emulsions in Tritium Counting with Refrigerated Systems. 1971
Combustion of drops and sprays of no. 2 diesel oil and its emulsions with water and methanol. 1980
Covers for uncontrolled hazardous waste sites / 1985
Design, Construction, and Preliminary Combustion Trials of a Rig to Evaluate Residual Fuel-Oil/Water Emulsions. 1970
Disposal of hazardous wastes : transportation. 1977
Effect of Water/Residual Oil Emulsions on Air Pollutant Emissions and Efficiency of Commercial Boilers. 1976
Effects of Long Chain Polymers on the Size Distribution of Oil-in-Water Emulsions. 1972
Effects of Long-Chain Polymers on the Size Distribution of Oil-in-Water Emulsions. 1973
Electrolytic treatment of oily wastewater from manufacturing and machining plants / 1980
Emulsions : fundamentals and applications in the petroleum industry / 1992
Emulsions; theory and practice. 1957
Environmental impacts of the use of Orimulsion (R), report to Congress on phase 1 of the Orimulsion (R) Technology Assessment Program Volume 1, Executive summary, report, and Appendix A / [electronic resource]. 2001
Environmental impacts of the use of orimulsions (trade name). 2001
EPA's Study of the Generation and Control of Air Pollutants from the Combustion of Orimulsion(Trade Name). 2001
Extended evaluation of unpaved road dust suppressants in the iron and steel industry {microform} / 1984
Food emulsion and foam theory and practice / 1990
Formation And Stability Of Water-in-oil Emulsions. 1987
Generation and Control of Air Pollutants from Orimulsion (Trade Name) Combustion. 2000
Hazardous air pollutants from the combustion of an emulsified heavy fuel oil in a firetube boiler / 1996
In-Place Burning of Crude Oil in Broken Ice: 1985 Testing at OHMSETT (Oil and Hazardous Materials Simulated Environmental Test Tank). 1985
Influence of Reaction Reversibility on Continuous-Flow Extraction by Emulsion Liquid Membranes. 1987
Laboratory evaluation of critical fluid extractions for environmental applications / 1985
Low-Level Counting by Liquid Scintillation -- II. Applications of Emulsions in Tritium Counting. 1969
McCutcheon's volume 2 : functional materials, 1997. 1997
Measuring octanol/water partition coefficients by the "slow-stirring" method / 1996
Methods to Control Fine-Grained Sediments Resulting from Construction Activity. 1976
Micellization, solubilization, and microemulsions : {proceedings} 1977
Microemulsions structure and dynamics / 1987
NAPL removal: surfactants, foams, and microemulsions / 2000
Oil spill remediation : colloid chemistry-based principles and solutions / 2014
Oil spill remediation : colloid chemistry-based principles and solutions / 2014
Performance and Air Pollutant Emissions of an Experimental Water/Residual Oil Emulsion Burner in a Commercial Boiler. 1981
Pesticide Fact Sheet No. 222: Fenamiphos. 1987
Petroleum spills in the marine environment : the chemistry and formation of water-in-oil emulsions and tar balls / 1985
Practices and methods of preventing and treating crude-oil emulsions, 1939
Progress in microemulsions 1989
RACT for the use of cutback asphalts in road construction and maintenance : Enforcement implications and equipment changes / 1980
Recovery of oil spills using vortex assisted airlift system / 1970
Residual Fuel Oil-Water Emulsions. 1970
Routine Maintenance Uses for Milled Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP). 1992
Sampling oil-water mixtures at OHMSETT / 1987
Sampling oil-water mixtures at OHMSETT / 1988
Stable gas-in-liquid emulsions : production in natural waters and artificial media 1985
Starch Adduct Encasement of Particulate Elastomers. 1982
Summary report on residual fuel oil-water emulsions / 1970
Theoretical model and solubility characteristics of Aroclor(R) 1254 in water : problems associated with low-solubility compounds in aquatic toxicity tests / 1974
Ultrasonic emulsification of oil tanker cargo : feasibility study using an ultrasonic process to emulsify petroleum to reduce oil slick hazards in event of spillage at sea / 1970
Volatilization of Methyl Parathion from Fields Treated with Microencapsulated and Emulsifiable Concentrate Formulations. 1979
Water and alcohol use in automotive diesel engines / 1983

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