Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 29
Showing: Items 1 - 29
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Electrons)

Select Item Title Year Published
Backward Electron Deuteron Scattering Below 280 Mev. 1971
Bremsstrahlung Production. 1970
Characterization of mineral precipitates by electron microscope photographs and electron diffraction patterns 1983
Combining Treatability Studies and Site Characterization for Rational Design of In situ Bioremediation Using Nitrate as an Electron Acceptor. 1993
Determination of Acrylamide in Rat Serum and Sciatic Nerve by Gas Chromatography-Electron-Capture Detection. 1993
Electron transfer reactions 1980
Electronic Factor in QSAR: MO-Parameters, Competing Interactions, Reactivity and Toxicity. 1994
Electronic structure, properties, and the periodic law. 1963
Electroproduction of Pions Beyond the Resonance Region and the Pion Form Factor. 1971
Excitation of the Aromatic Molecules by Electron Impact. I. Molecules with D/Sub 2H/ Symmetry. 0
Finite-Energy Sum Rules and the Reactions E E Yields E E Epsilon (750), E E Yields E E F (1260). 1971
First Measurements of Aerosol Particle Charging by Free Electrons - A Preliminary Report. 1983
High energy elcetron injection (E-Beam) technology for the ex-situ treatment of MtBE-contaminated groundwater : innovative technology evaluation report / 2002
High energy electron injection (E-beam) technology for the ex-situ treatment of MtBE-contaminated groundwater : innovation technology evaluation report / 2002
High energy electron injection (E-Beam) technology for the ex-situ treatment of MtBE-contaminated groundwater : innovative technology evaluation report / 2002
High Voltage Environmental Applications, Inc. electron beam technology. 1997
Inelastic Compton Scattering Inequalities in Quark-Parton Model. 1971
Inelastic Electron-Proton Scattering in the Region of the delta (1236) Resonance. 1971
Interpretation of electron diffraction patterns 1971
Neutron contamination from medical electron accelerators : recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. 1984
Note on the Most Probable Number of Partons in Parton Models. 1971
Photoproduction of Hydrated Electrons from Natural Organic Solutes in Aquatic Environments. 1987
Physical Chemistry Service. Semiannual Progress Report, July-December 1970. 1971
Radiolysis of Petroleum Products- Residue after Distillation. 1971
Scaling, Pomeranchuk Trajectory and J = 1 Fixed Poles in Virtual Compton Amplitude. 1971
Secondary-Electron Emission Produced by Relativistic Primary Electrons in Strong Electric Fields. 0
Simulation of electron impact mass spectra by charge exchange in chemical ionization mass spectrometry / 1984
Spectral-Angular Characteristics of an Electron Beam in Irradiation of a Tissue-Equivalent Medium. 0
Transport of Cosmic Rays in the Solar Corona. 1971

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