Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 327
Showing: Items 301 - 327
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Economic factors)

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Select Item Title Year Published
The economic damages of air pollution / 1974
The economic impact of vapor control regulations on the bulk storage industry / 1979
The Lake Tahoe study : as requested by the 92nd Congress in Section 114 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 / 1974
The Potential effects of global climate change on the United States : [appendices] / 1989
The state of the system (SOS) model : measuring growth limitations using ecological concepts / 1974
Understanding the Water Quality Controversy in Minnesota. 1970
United States Practice in Sludge Treatment and Disposal. 1986
Urban Size and Its Relation to Need for Automation and Control. 1972
Use of Advanced Water Resources Planning Techniques in the Development of Regional Water Quality Management Programs. 1972
User's Guide to the BOOM1 Model. 1976
Utilization of municipal wastewater and sludge on land : proceedings of the 1983 workshop / 1984
Utilization of Municipal Wastewater and Sludge on Land. 1984
Variable rates in solid waste : handbook for solid waste officials / 1990
Variable Rates in Solid Waste: Handbook for Solid Waste Officials. Volume 2. Detailed Manual. 1990
Virginia Animal Waste Management Project. 1990
Waste management control handbook for dairy food plants {microform} / 1984
Waste minimization efforts : an overview of the U.S. EPA pollution prevention research program / 1990
Waste oil recovery practices : state of the art (1972) / 1972
Wastewater Treatment Facilities, Granby Sanitation District, Granby, Colorado. 1976
Water Quality Demonstration Project, Allen County, Ohio. 1986
Water Resource Projects and Environmental Impacts: Towards a Conceptual Model. 1972
Water resource study, Salem Church Reservoir, Rappahannock River, Virginia : study of potential needs and value of water for municipal, industrial and quality control purposes. 1964
Water-Oriented Outdoor Recreation in the Lake Huron Basin, Michigan. 1969
Watershed 93 : a national conference on watershed management : proceedings, March 21-24, 1993, Alexandria, Virginia. 1994
West Virginia baseline 1981
Western water laws and irrigation return flow / 1978
Wet Oxidation of Municipal Sludge by the Vertical Tube Reactor. 1986
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