Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Economic factors)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Report on Water Pollution, Upper Arkansas River Basin. 1951
Research and Development in Industrial Corporations: Can Advanced Societies Learn to Contain Pollution. 1973
Research needs for the potable reuse of municipal wastewater : proceedings of a workshop / 1975
Research outlook 1979. 1979
Residential energy use in Lithuania: The prospects for energy efficiency. 1998
Resource conservation and utilization in animal waste management. Volume III: utilization of animal manures as feedstocks for energy production / 1983
Response of Stem Growth and Function to Air Pollution. 1994
Response to Congress on privatization of wastewater facilities / 1997
Retech, Inc., plasma centrifugal furnace : applications analysis report / 1992
Review of 'Pollution Control Technology Research and Development: Private Sector Incentives and the Federal Role in the Current Regulatory System'. 1985
Rising Water Values That Result from Increased Mobility. 1968
River Basin Model: The Social Science Laboratory. 1971
Role of Water in the Energy Crisis. 1973
SBA Economic Review. Volume 5, Number 2, Fall 1972. 1972
Selected topics related to infiltration and inflow in sewer systems 1985
Simulation City approach for preparation of urban area data bases / 1974
Sludge Management Planning in the Boston Metropolitan Area - A Case Study. 1979
Social Costs and Benefits of Water Resource Construction. 1973
Social, Economic, Environmental, and Technical Factors Influencing Water Reuse. 1973
Socio-Economic Impact Evaluation of Lake Improvement Projects and Lake Management Guidelines. 1983
Socioeconomic analysis of hazardous waste management alternatives : methodology and demonstration / 1981
Socioeconomic Impacts of Western Energy Resource Development. Volume I: Summary and Implications. 1979
Socioeconomic Impacts of Western Energy Resource Development. Volume III: Case Studies. 1979
Sociological Dimensions of Leisure Involvement in Water-Based Recreation. 1973
Solar World Congress: Proceedings of the Biennial Congress of the International Solar Energy Society. Held in Denver, Colorado on August 19-23, 1991. Volume 3. Part 2. 1992
Some Economic Aspects of Air Pollution Control with Special Reference to Polk County, Florida. 1968
State and County Area Tabulations for the Colorado River Basin. 1962
Strategies for reducing pollutants from irrigated lands in the Great Plains / 1982
Strategies for water and waste reduction in dairy food plants / 1985
Study of Economic Impacts of Pollution Control on the Iron Foundry Industry. Part I. Executive Summary. 1971
Study of Economic Impacts of Pollution Control on the Iron Foundry Industry. Part II. Structure of the Iron Foundry Industry. 1971
Study of Economic Impacts of Pollution Control on the Iron Foundry Industry. Part III. The Economic Impact of Pollution Abatement upon the Iron Foundry Industry. 1971
Study of emissions from 1966 through 1976 model year light-duty vehicles in Los Angeles, St. Louis, and Washington, D.C. / 1977
Study of the Economic Impact on the Steel Industry of the Costs of Meeting Federal Air and Water Pollution Abatement Requirements. Part I. Executive Summary. 1972
Study of the Economic Impact on the Steel Industry of the Costs of Meeting Federal Air and Water Pollution Abatement Requirements. Part II. The Structure of the Steel Industry. 1972
Study of the Economic Impact on the Steel Industry of the Costs of Meeting Federal Air and Water Pollution Abatement Requirements. Part III. 1972
Study of the impact of pollution standards and charges on the bakery industry 1971
Study to Identify Opportunities for Increased Solid Waste Utilization. Volume I. 1972
Study to Identify Opportunities for Increased Solid Waste Utilization. Volumes II to VII. 1972
Study to Identify Opportunities for Increased Solid Waste Utilization. Volumes VIII and IX. 1972
Suggested Approach for Developing Estuarine Water Quality Criteria for Management of Eutrophication. 1981
Summary of Quantity, Quality and Economic Methodology for Establishing Minimum Flows. Volume I. 1973
Survey and Assessment of Air Pollution Damage to California Vegetation in 1970. 1971
Technical Services Report (SW-6ts) Comprehensive Solid Waste Study Johnson City, Tennessee. 1968
Technologies and costs for control of disinfection by-products : executive summary / 1992
Technology assessment of aquaculture systems for municipal wastewater treatment 1984
Technology assessment of aquaculture systems for municipal wastewater treatment / 1984
Technology assessment of wetlands for municipal wastewater treatment / 1984
Technology assessment of wetlands for municipal wastewater treatment / 1984
Technology evaluation report ; SITE program demonstration test ; Retech, Inc. Plasma Centrifugal Furnace ; Butte, Mt. 1992
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