Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 151 - 200
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Cost analysis)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Analysis of costs for compliance with federal radiation protection guidance for occupational exposure : (proposed on January 23, 1981), volume I, cost of compliance with proposed radiation protection guidance for workers / 1983
Analysis of Costs for the Treatment of Dental Fluorosis. 1987
Analysis of Eight Facilities: Operating and Cost Data for In-Vessel Composting. 1989
Analysis of Engineering Alternatives for Environmental Protection from Thermal Discharges 1973
Analysis of operations and maintenance costs for municipal wastewater treatment systems / 1978
Analysis of pollution control costs / 1974
Analysis of potential methods to determine volatilities of heavy crude oils. 1981
Analysis of Recent Electric Utility Rate Increases. 1975
Analysis of the Benefits and Costs of Alternative Cyanide Standards in Illinois. 1975
Analysis of the Demands for Water from the Private Sector in a Sub-Arctic Urban Area. 1972
Analysis of the economic and environmental effects of compressed natural gas as a vehicle fuel. : Volume 1: passenger cars and light trucks / 1990
Analysis of the economic and environmental effects of compressed natural gas as a vehicle fuel. : Volume 2: heavy duty vehicles / 1990
Analysis of the economic and environmental effects of ethanol as an alternative fuel : special report / 1990
Analysis of the Economic Implications of the Permit System of Water Allocation. 1971
Analysis of the Economics of Water Supply in the Washington Metropolitan Area. 1980
Analysis of the Impact of Delaying Compliance with 1977 Water Quality Standards. 1974
Analysis of the Regulatory Aspects of Fuel Oil Supply (Abridged Report). 1973
Analysis of the Regulatory Aspects of Fuel Oil Supply. 1973
Analysis of the Trade-Off of Exploration Between Onshore and Offshore Regions and Potential Environmental Hazards and Safeguards. Volume I: Report. 1974
Analysis of U.S. Municipal Waste Combustion Operating Practices. 1989
Analysis of Utility Control Strategies Using the LIMB (Limestone Injection Multistage Burner) Technology. 1986
Analysis of wastewater discharge from marine sanitation devices : final report / 1981
Analytical Studies for Assessing the Impact of Sanitary Sewage Facilities of Delaware Co., Ohio. 1975
Analytical Studies for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Volume VIII. Noise Abatement: Policy Alternatives for Transportation. 1977
Analytical Techniques for Planning Complex Water Resource Systems. 1974
Annotated literature references on land treatment of hazardous waste / 1984
Announcement of Final Rule: Revisions to the Unregulated Containment Monitoring Regulation (UCMR) for Public Water Systems 2006
Annual Report on Irrigation Tailwater Management 1975-1976. 1981
Annual Report on Irrigation Tailwater Management 1976-1977. 1981
Antimony removal technology for mining industry wastewaters / 1979
Apollo County Park Wastewater Reclamation Project, Antelope Valley, California 1976
Appendices to a Handbook for Initiating or Improving Commercial Refuse Collection. 1974
Applicability of Programming Models to Pricing and Risk Control in Water Resource Management. 1973
Applicability of Reduction to Sulfur Techniques to the Development of New Processes for Removing SO2 from Flue Gases. Volume I. 1969
Application of buoyant mass transfer media to hazardous material spills / 1980
Application of germanium detectors to environmental monitoring / 1979
Application of Isotherms for Predictions of GAC Performance: A Preliminary Analysis. 1992
Application of Life-Cycle Assessment to Nanoscale Technology: Lithium-ion Batteries for Electric Vehicles. 2013
Application of membrane technology to power generation waters / 1980
Application of Operations Research Techniques for Allocation of Water Resources in Utah. 1971
Application of Reburning to Coal-Fired Industrial Boilers in Taiwan. 1999
Application of the Phase IV Land Disposal Restrictions to Contaminated Media: Costs, Cost Savings, and Economic Impacts. 1998
Application of Value Theory to Water Resources Planning and Management. 1971
Application Study in Water Distribution Control. 1974
Applying environmental accounting to electroplating operations : an in-depth analysis / 1997
Applying fabric filtration to refuse-fired boilers : a pilot-scale investigation / 1978
Appraisal of powdered activated carbon processes for municipal wastewater treatment / 1977
Approach for Establishing Best Available Technology Economically Achievable (BATEA) under Public Law 92-500 with Applications to the Organics, Synthetics and Plastics Industry. 1975
APTI course 413, control of particulate emissions : instructor's guide / 1980
ARCS Construction Contract Modification Procedures. 1989
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