Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Alternative control techniques document : NOx emissions from industrial/commercial/institutional (ICI) boilers / 1994
Alternative control techniques document : NOx emissions from process heaters / 1993
Alternative control techniques document : NOx emissions from stationary reciprocating internal combustion engines / 1993
Alternative control techniques document : NOx emissions from utility boilers / 1994
Alternative control techniques document : surface coating of automotive/transportation and business machine plastic parts / 1994
Alternative control techniques document : surface coating operations at shipbuilding and ship repair facilities / 1994
Alternative control techniques document : volatile organic liquid storage in floating and fixed roof tanks / 1994
Alternative control techniques document--PM-10 emissions from selected processes at coke ovens and integrated iron and steel mills / 1994
Alternative control technology document : carbon reactivation processes / 1992
Alternative control technology document : control of VOC emissions from the application of agricultural pesticides / 1993
Alternative control technology document : ethylene oxide sterilization/fumigation operations / 1989
Alternative control technology document : halogenated solvent cleaners / 1989
Alternative control technology document : organic waste process vents / 1990
Alternative daily cover materials for municipal solid waste landfills / 1992
Alternative Economic Evaluation Procedures and Water Development Projects: The Multiple Objective Problem. 1973
Alternative Fuels for Automotive Transportation. A Feasibility Study. Volume II. Technical Section. 1974
Alternative Oxidant and Disinfectant Treatment Strategies for Controlling Trihalomethane Formation. 1988
Alternative policies for controlling nonpoint agricultural sources of water pollution / 1978
Alternative Sewer Systems in the United States. 1984
Alternatives for Hazardous Waste Management in the Inorganic Chemicals Industry. 1977
Alternatives for hazardous waste management in the metals smelting and refining industries / 1977
Alternatives for hazardous waste management in the organic chemical, pesticides and explosives industries 1977
Alternatives for Hazardous Waste Management in the Petroleum Refining Industry. 1979
Alternatives for Reducing Insecticides on Cotton and Corn: Economic and Environmental Impact - Supplement 1: Detailed Data for Static and Linear Analysis of Alternatives for Reducing Insecticides on Cotton and Corn. 1979
Alternatives to calcium-based SO2 sorbents for fluidized-bed combustion : conceptual evaluation / 1978
Alternatives to chlorination for control of condenser tube bio-fouling / 1977
Alternatives to the Management of Hazardous Wastes at National Disposal Sites. Volume II. Appendices. 1973
Ambient ground water quality monitoring cost analysis / 1997
American Air Filter Kinpactor 10 x 56 venturi scrubber evaluation / 1977
American composting concepts / 1971
Ammonia Absorption/Ammonium Bisulfate Regeneration Pilot Plant for Flue Gas Desulfurization. 1977
Ammonium nitrate manufacturing industry, technical document / 1981
An accounting system for solid waste management in small communities. 1971
An accounting system for transfer station operations. 1971
An analysis of costs and cost effectiveness of SO2 control for mixed-fuel-fired steam generating units. 1986
An Analysis of the costs and cost effectiveness of allowing SO2 emission credits for cogeneration systems / 1985
An assessment of central-station cogeneration systems for industrial complexes / 1982
An assessment of economic benefits of 28 projects in the section 314 Clean Lakes Program. 1980
An economic analysis of final effluent limitations guidelines new source performance standards, and pretreatment standards for the iron and steel manufacturing point source category. 1982
An economic analysis of the environmental impact of highway deicing / 1976
An engineering/economic analysis of coal preparation plant operation and cost / 1978
An investigation of the effect of open storage of treated drinking water on quality parameters / 1977
An overview of the outyear liability model (OLM) / 1993
An overview of the outyear liability model (OLM) / 1993
Analysis of 1975 State 305(B) Reports. 1975
Analysis of Air Pollution and Its Health Effects: Washington, DC. Metropolitan Area. 1979
Analysis of Alternative Policies for Attaining and Maintaining a Short-Term NO2 Standard. 1979
Analysis of Alternative Policies for Attaining and Maintaining a Short-Term NO2 Standard. Executive Summary. 1979
Analysis of control strategies and compliance schedules for wood particle and fiber dryers / 1976
Analysis of costs for compliance with federal radiation protection guidance for occupational exposure (proposed on January 23, 1981). Volume II, Case study analysis of the impacts of proposed radiation protection guidance for workers / 1983
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